Day Twenty-Four- Birthday

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Day Twenty-Four- Birthday


"Shut up! I'm trying to romance you!"

I sighed. "Levi-"

The short man cut me off with a rushed kiss. It was feverish and mad; Levi wrapped his hands up in my hair and asked for entrance. I furrowed my eyebrows and denied, pulling away somberly.

"Please, Levi," I begged. "Just let me eat my pizza."

"I won't let my fiance get nothing for his birthday!" Levi frowned.

I gave him a skeptical look. "Really," I muttered dryly, pointing behind me to the 2014 3DMG design. "And," I added with a small smile, "this." I lifted up my left hand, showing off the plain band proudly.

"Yeah, but I want my brat to have everything," Levi sighed wistfully.

I laughed and took a bite of my pizza. "Well, I hate to say it, but we can't afford everything, honey bunches."

Levi looked resigned for a moment. Then, a mischievous glint in his eyes made me bite my lip in fear. He got up suddenly, walking behind me. I tensed. Levi always just got what he wanted. He didn't just give up. What-

A trail of kisses down my neck sent a shiver up my spine.

"L-Levi, I'm not done...eating" I shook my head, trying to focus, but I ended up arching my neck instead, hands shaking.

Levi's voice was a deep whisper in my ear. "Oh, you're plenty done."

"Corporal, quit it," I whispered, swatting feebly at the man. His hands traced hot circles on my arms, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

"Levi," I moaned, and my voice was lower, huskier. I felt Levi's smirk against my exposed neck.

I finally let Levi pull me to my feet. Still kissing my collarbone seductively, the raven man led me to our bedroom that was painfully far away.

The only thing we missed, however, was the certain giggling brunette hiding behind a plant in front of the door, grasping a sound recorder tightly in her grasp.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about no bold or italics. If I can get on later, I'll edit it. I really suck at smut or smut intentions >.< This is supposed to be kind of like an epilogue to yesterday's prompt. Huggles to the person who guesses what YouTuber I copied the first line from. See you tomorrow~

As always, epicturtle0623, out!

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