Day Twelve- Pizza

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Day Twelve- Pizza


I opened the door, and a thick aroma of scented candles engulfed me. I cleared my throat, eyes watering from the heat, and shut the front door behind me softly.

"Eren?" I asked. Jazz played quietly in the background, and I wrinkled my nose at the overpowering smell choking me.

"Eren," I called again. "Your apartment is scaring me..."

A grinning brat popped out from behind the kitchen entryway. The boy kneaded his knuckles as he fully stepped out into the opening. I grasped my briefcase in both hands and stood awkwardly in front of the door.

"What is this?" I asked curiously.

"Uh- um..." Eren looked around the room with blank interest, almost as if he'd just walked in. "It's...just a...a-"

A smirk from me shut him up. A red stain crawled up Eren's neck and spread across his tan cheeks.

"A date?" I growled softly.

"Well- um... Yeah, you know- just a little- yeah, it's just- yes."

We stood like that, Eren sputtering and blushing, me smirking seductively, for a few moments. Then the grin slid off my face. I tilted my head up and sniffed tentatively, pushing past the overwhelming wave of cheap candles.

" something burning?" I asked.

Eren looked confused for a minute. Then mortification set in. He literally jumped and scrambled back into the kitchen.

"The casserole!" he cried.

I followed behind leisurely, setting down my suitcase. I watched Eren flap gloved hands at a smoking thing on a baking tray atop the stove. I gently wrapped my arms around Eren's middle and pulled back a few steps. Eren relaxed into the embrace after a second of resistance.

"I'm just as fine with pizza," I chuckled softly into his shoulder. Eren sighed and, with reluctance and disappointment, nodded.


A/N: Hey guys! Pizza.... I had pizza today, nom! I've been wanting pizza all week... Am I the only one? So satisfied, yet a hot chocolate would do just as well in this gross weather we're having up where I am. See you  tomorrow~

As always, epicturtle0623, out!

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