Day Four- Just This

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Day Four- Just This


Eren murmured, "It really is beautiful out."

It was. The sun peeked out from the treetops, unwilling to stop playing. Few children were out this late- it was almost dusk- but the ones who were slid down the slide, gathered their things for departure, or swung on swings, alone.

A soft breeze ruffled Eren's hair and the grass around Levi. They were seated at a picnic table. Eren stuffed his hands into his hoodie, leaning against the wood. Levi, however, stood erect in his straight posture. He folded his hands into his lap.

"Tch," he scoffed. "This whole 'sunset setting' romance shit is so cliche it's sickening."

"It is pretty romantic, huh?" Eren sheepishly grinned.

Levi shrugged nonchalantly. "Not as much as it could be."

"What are you hinting at?"

"Not much. Just..." Levi turned to Eren and, lightning quick, grabbed his collar. He yanked it, their faces mere inches apart.

"This," Levi mumbled as he closed the gap.

A//N: Gurgh, knew I should've made that longer. Such shortness, many small! Sorry for no bold or italics with this, my mom's tablet doesn't have that option. But da feels! Am I the only one who fangirled during this? Yes? M'kay...See you tomorrow~

As always, epicturtle0623, out!

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