Day Twenty-Nine- Ornaments

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Day Twenty-Nine- Ornament


Levi pouted as Eren hung another ornament to their massive pine tree. "Tch," he grumbled.

"Oh, Levi," Eren laughed, stepping down off the footstool after rearranging the blue orb. "Are you pouty because of the music?" He turned down "All I Want For Christmas is a Hippopotamus" and grinned. "Or because you can't hang up ornaments high to save your life, shorty?"

"Shut your mouth before I put my foot in it," the raven growled.

"Just be festive for one day," the other chucked, ruffling Levi's hair. "For me?"

"Tch," the short man repeated, pushing Eren's hand away. It was mostly quiet for a few minutes, Eren humming "O Come, All Ye Faithful" and Levi groaning about Christmas and it's damn antics.


A/N: Aye, Turtle has your holiday update. :3 Happy? Please? Tankou! Am talking to myself? Why so many questions... Ima stop now. Today was really long and this coffee isn't cutting it! D:

I'll have day 30 and the Thank-You up and published ASAP, alrighty, peeps? M'kay! See you tomorrow ~ (just realized didn't do that for the last one- think?)

As always, epicturtle0623, out!

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