Chapter III

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Dawn appeared, the sun slowly appearing over the mountains, making the sky a vibrant color of orange and pink. I waited outside my office for the girls, holding the case and a bottle. I had dressed in a black t-shirt with black jeans and thigh-high boots. Since it was morning, I had also similar colored leather jacket for the chill.

I saw two wolves running towards me over the hill where my house was. Mallory had a gorgeous silver wolf with black paws and Jenna's wolf was a dark brown with orange streaks mixed in. They shifted back to their human selves and Jen put on her black outfit that was almost identical to mine, yet she had normal sneakers and a hoodie. My Delta just put on a regular t-shirt and jeans.

"Took you long enough. I thought I was going to have to go myself." I teased.

"Oh come on Isla, you know I never want to wake up this early in the morning." Mal groaned and ran a hand through her hair.

"What's the bottle for?" Jennalyn asked, pointing to my hand.

"A potion. To hide our scents. I asked Gale to whip some up for us." I responded.

"Of course! That's smart, I would never have thought of that." She marveled.

Mal sighed and crossed her arms. "I still don't understand why I'm always the one that has to stay back. I never get to go on the outside missions."

"Well, you're the Delta and that's your job since Jen is coming with me," I said, then looked back at my Beta.

"Ready to go?"

"As always."

Mallory went and sat on the porch, mumbling things about life not being fair.

We ignored her and set off, our feet hitting the forest floor, puddles splashing. We got to the Dark Moon pack's border, hiding behind a tree. I put some of the potion on me and handed the rest to Jen.

"Leave some for the case too. We don't want them to know it's us." I whispered, then shifted, holding my clothes in my jaws.

"Ready to infiltrate this darn place?" I asked Felicia.

"So ready. It smells like cat poo." She responded, shaking her fur.

We mind-linked Jen and she gave us the okay for us to go. We slinked past the border guards and I finally found our opening: the vent pipe.

"Are you sure you can fit through that?" My Beta asked.

I whipped behind me to glare at her. "Are you calling me fat?"

She immediately stiffened and lowered her head. "Of course not, Alpha. I was asking for both of us and for your safety."

"Good. Give me a boost and I'll pull you up."

Jen's wolf crouched down underneath the wide opening of the pipe and I slowly got onto her back and jumped to the left wall, slightly skidding but reached the top. I knew my wolf was bigger than normal so I looked back at my packmate.

"Sorry, Jen. Must've been hard."

"It's alright, Isla. But we should talk later."

I gave her a wolfy grin in response and gently bit her neck fur and pulled her up next to where I was, hoping the metal grating underneath our claws wouldn't spark the attention of the pack's warriors.

We started to crouch along the pipe's tunnel sniffing for the specific room Daniel said had a scent of incense the Alpha kept in his office.

I smirked to myself. What kind of Alpha would keep incense in his office? I imagined an old one, with brittle bones, unable to walk without his Beta.

This would be too easy.

Suddenly a scent that was distinctive filled my nose.

"Hey, Jen, what did your mate say the smell of the incense was again?"

"Um, I think rose with a hint of strawberry. Why? I don't smell it yet."

"Oh, nothing. Just checking."

What I smelled was way different. Felicia yipped slightly in response to my thinking.

"What is it, Felicia?"

"I'm so excited!! Don't you know what it is?! I'm surprised we didn't notice." She went to the back of my mind but still was restless.

I pondered deeply. I had a vast knowledge of everything in our pack. What could she be talking about, scent wise?

The smell kept coming in waves, making me want to come closer. It smelled of cedar and sandalwood. It was a weird combination but I loved it.

"Jen, we have to go this way." I mind-linked when we had a two-way intersection through the vent pipes.

"But I thought it was closer East?"

" me."

Felicia wanted me to go closer to the smell and frankly, so did I.

We finally came towards an open vent and looked down. There, the smell was extremely prominent and one werewolf was sitting, human form, popping a cracker into his mouth.

"Whaddya know. There's the Delta. His name is Ryan. You actually led us through right above their room. I'll never not trust you." Jen linked me.

I didn't listen to her. I was too busy looking for the smell. Where was it? Felicia looked back and forth, wanting, waiting.

Suddenly another wolf came out of the shadows, right below me. A beautiful werewolf in his human form. Extremely handsome.

Then it hit me.

He was my mate.


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