Chapter XIV

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Early at six, we rose and packed our necessary things. We decided that West would come along to persuade the Alpha's with Mallory, our savior, and Ariel since she knew her way around the valley.

"No, you can't come," I said, tying a sleeping bag, in case the pack refused to let us in their territory.

"But why? West is coming. And seriously, come on, I mean Mal is there." Ryan whined, behind me.

"She's there because she's literally the wolf who's going to save you from literal death, that's why she's coming."

"Ariel is going!"

"The vampire is also only coming because she warned us about this and is helping us."

"You don't know what I could do! I could help you guys. I mean, what if a pack wants Mal all to themselves and lets you guys go?"

I sighed and put a Nutella jar into our travel bag. "You really won't let this go? I mean even Mila and Chase aren't freaking out about going as much as you are. They're perfectly fine with staying with Jen and her mate."

He shook his head. This guy was almost as stubborn as Mr. Sexy. Almost.

"Ugh, fine! You better not be extra baggage." I said, flicking his shoulder as he left. Ryan was a good guy, more so than the other wretched males I've met.

"West isn't one of them!" Felicia said.

"Depends." I snickered.

Mallory suddenly burst into my room, her bag overflowing with things as she frantically picked up the stuff falling down.

"Uh, Mal, it's only for three days." I laughed, helping her with a huge thick blanket.

"Aw man, that took forever to get in there. Also, WHY DID YOU LET RYAN COME!?" She shrieked.

I shrugged, stuffing it in with her. "He was being stubborn. Plus, it's not like he's going to drag around." Then I smirked. "Why? Is there something wrong with him coming?"

"Yes-I mean no, I mean..." Mallory sighed and flopped down on my bed. "I think I'm starting to attachment..of some kind..but it's to another....male that, um, lives near us." She stuttered. I knew she was trying to show that it was Ryan, I knew it, but she obviously didn't want to say it right out.

I sat down beside her and nodded. "It's alright. I mean, it's part of life. Hey, I liked the teacher the kids have. He's married, though."

"I haven't found my mate yet and it's killing me. Most she-wolves find their mate around this time. You and Jen already found yours. Isn't it weird I haven't found mine yet?"

A whistle sounded from below which meant it was time to go. "Listen, you don't need to find a man yet. You're a perfectly strong capable woman, and heck, you're about to save the darn valley from a crazy war."

"So, you think it's okay with that Delta?" She asked, swinging the bag over her chest.

"It's alright to just let him be there. I can tell he likes you. When he asked if he could go, the main reason he wanted to was because you were going." I hinted, walking down the stairs.

Mal blushed a light pink and tucked a curl behind her ear. "Oh, I see."

"He'll be there for you." I winked and rushed out to the car, throwing my luggage into the back.

"You guys threw us in the trunk?! Really?!" Ryan and West were yelling at Olivia and Jennalyn.

"Well, we didn't feel like sitting next to a bunch of half-dead idiots and the girls were literally holding you guys and your stupid weight! I hope you have just as much of a brain in there as you do with muscle." Olivia said, crossing her arms.

"That's cold!" Ryan seethed.

"Oh, Alpha, we came to say good luck." Jen smiled.

I laughed at the two fighting and hugged my friend. I still felt horrible about the fight we had days before. I hope she still didn't feel mad about it. We had apologized to one another a day afterward when our anger simmered down.

Soon we had all our things in the Benz and drove towards our first stop: The MoonStone Pack. Their Alpha wasn't too hard, in fact, he was almost like Ryan, a player, flirtatious, etcetera. He had tried to hit on me right before I denied him and they launched an attack when I didn't respond to his crazy antics.

"Ugh, I'm so nervous." Mallory twiddled her thumbs in her lap.

I turned from the front seat and looked at her in the back. "Don't worry, you don't have to do anything. Just let us do the rest."

"I know but I'm saving the valley, the Moon Goddess...everyone. I don't want to let you down if this doesn't work."

Ryan put his hand over hers and smiled. "It's okay, short-stuff. You can rely on us. I promise."

Mal smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. He stiffened but did the same. Ariella groaned and scooched away from them, muttering about how disgusting they were acting.

"Interesting," West said, as he drove on the wide roads through the forest.

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Well, first of all, Ryan being like that. But also, listen." He turned off the music and I did as he said. I listened. There was nothing.

"I don't hear anything."

"Exactly. No birds, no rabbits on the side, you'd probably even hear a howl since we're getting closer to their territory."

This wasn't good. There would always be some sort of sounds. Why was there only silence? I took a deep breath and hoped that it was only just a coincidence.


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