Chapter V

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We got back to the pack, without any run-ins, thankfully. We had our two strongest women warriors drag the knocked-out men to our confined jail cell.

Our confined jail cell was special, specifically for our own missions. It was made of complete silver and on the lowest ground which was so incredibly expensive. Only a few select wolves were allowed underground there because it made us weak, even with our specialized suits and gloves.

I was sitting at my table with Mila and Chase, drawing some of my most "prized art" when the rapid knocking came to my wooden door.

I opened it and saw Olivia breathing heavily. "The men are awake."

"Are they doing anything?"

"No, they're actually...well, Alpha, I think you should come to see for yourself."

I nodded and looked behind me to the kids and smiled. "Hey, guys, I'll be gone for a bit. I'm gonna ask Aunt Mallory to take care of you."

"Aww! But Isla!!" Mila whined

"Pleeaseee finish drawing this Prince and princess with me!" Chase chimed in.

"Sorry guys. I'll be right back I promise."

I closed the door, saddened by their distraught looks and mind-linked Mal to look after them.

We went down and I pulled on a suit and gloves and we opened a metal door cell that was made with keys given to only three of my trusted warriors, my Delta, Beta, and of course, me.

"So, let's see what we got...should I be ready to show you what the Sunshine pack is really made of..." I stopped short just to see the most crazy sight.

The Alpha and Delta of the Dark Moon pack were just lying down. They were just lying down with their arms behind their heads. They were just... chilling! Like they had no care in the world!

"What the heck?! What are you two up to!" I growled, holding the bars and glaring at them.

"Oh, nothing really. Just seeing what the Sun pack looks like. Not much around here really. Could use a coffee table or a picture or two." The Delta drawled on.

"Sunshine pack to you!" One of my warriors, Athena, held a sword out to the cell.

"Yeah, yeah."

Ryan, the Delta, was really annoying. He had short, curly dirty blonde hair with mischievous hazel eyes. It would be tough to make him angry.

"So, Mr. Alpha, what is your name?" I glared, at my potential mate. He, though, was completely, utterly handsome. The Alpha had medium length tousled dark brown hair with teasing black eyes and olive skin. His eyes had something different about them, though. Note to self, figure out what it is.

"West. My name is West Hunter. You've figured out how to kidnap us, Miss Alpha, but you don't know my name? I thought you guys were the FBI or something."

"Don't be snarky. You've never revealed your name. Even your pack doesn't know it. Only your closest members. Everyone just calls you Alpha. What a lovely pack you got there."

"So do you. The Sunshine pack. Sounds so loveable. The Moon Goddess must have really loved you for that after changing it, huh?"

I growled every so slightly. This stupid Sexy Alpha was really pushing my buttons. No one ever mentions our darn history.

"Don't make me have you drawn and quartered."

"Don't make me tell the secret only you and I know." He whispers back, his eyes dancing as he crosses his arms.

Oh crap. Oh fudge bucket. He knows. I completely forgot my scent was back. Of course he knows. He's my mate. I'm his mate.

I want to slam my head against that silver door multiple times then go do it again on the metal one.

"Alpha?" Olivia asked, raising an eyebrow.

I take a deep breath then look at her, smiling probably way too much. "Keep questioning them. Anything. About their pack and how they know our history. No one knows that much about how the Moon Goddess changed our name. I want everything by tomorrow, got it?"

"Also, I want everyone to leave the room for a moment."

The warriors nodded and left, but not before looking at me weirdly. Yeah, probably weird. Id never done this before.

"Do you know our secret?" I asked Ryan.

"Oh, of course, Miss Alpha. I mean, I am his Delta after all. He needs to tell me. And since we're cellmate buddies too." He shrugged.

I sighed then opened the door and slammed it behind me.

The wolves tensed up slightly and raised themselves up a bit.

"You know I could kill you right?" West whispered, his black eyes darkening if they could even darken more than possible.

"I know you can." I kneeled down and inched forward. "You could kill me right now and do whatever. But I know you won't." I whisper back.

"How do you know?" He asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Because I'm your mate. It would kill you. I can feel the silver weakening you. It's faint, we haven't bonded yet. But...I can still feel it...right here." I put his hand to my heart. West visibly tensed up.

"I could just move to another corner if y'all want some alone time or something," Ryan said, breaking our moment of us trying to figure each other out.

"I'll move you two to another cell. But you're still going to be here." I stood up swiftly, not wanting to let my emotions get the best of me. "You may be my mate, but I am not going to let the Dark Moon pack wipe us off the face of this Earth. You're looking at the female Alpha of the Sunshine pack. I will fight to survive for the sake of myself and my family, despite our cursed name. I will not let you take that away." I glared at the two, before opening the cell and slamming it behind me.


So Isla finally gets to talk & meet with her mate!

....after kidnapping him of course

What do you think of her courage when it comes to being the Alpha of the Sunshine pack?

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