Hey baby

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Chapter 10

POV- Harley

I smelt some type of food being cook as me and Caleb were in the living room I was reading a book about something mythical and people not being able to love each other. All of it was being seen but not absorbed, my anxiety was completely focused on Caleb being so close to me.

I was sitting at one end Caleb at the other, but it was small so they we were more closer together, Damiar was cooking, and the smell reached us in the living room,

"Dinners ready" Damiar yelled out.

Caleb turned off the tv and got up. I put down the book and, I followed him to the dining room, he sat down at the end of the table but  I walked into the kitchen that was separated from the dining room by a door,

"Hey baby," Damiar said in a high pitched voice

"I hate that nickname" I said crossing my arms

"In a bad mood are we" He replied pouting his lip, he was preparing plates as he spoke

I sighed bringing my hand to my head "did you tell Caleb about what happen"

His face turned more serious "no"

I nodded and left the room grabbing a plate as I did so, Damiar followed me close I put a plate down where Caleb was Damiar put one down for him and another for me, pushing me in when he put down the plate,

Damiar didn't sit down after helping me he muttered in Caleb's ear instead, Caleb then got up and went to the hallway and Damiar went back to the kitchen.

Caleb came back out followed by a pissed off danta

"Sit there" Caleb ordered him

"Why the fuck...." he never finished his sentence because Caleb grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him up in the air

"I said sit down" he whispered in his ear loudly

Danta thrashed around kicking his feet as there weren't on the floor anymore. Caleb dropped him he landed a little wobbly on his feet,

"Sit" Caleb pointed at the seat at the end of the table, opposite to me Caleb and Damiar were seated opposite to each other as well,

Danta sat down slowly and hesitant. Damiar had returned from the kitchen with a plate of food, he placed it in front of Danta, then sat down. We all started eating and every time I looked up I notice Danta staring at me and Damiar staring at Danta, and Caleb glancing between everyone.

I broke the silence "can we stop" I slammed my hands on the table, and stood up, getting everyone's attention, they all looked at me.

Damiar stood up, he walked over to me. I didn't cower or move as he grabbed my arm nd dragged me to the kitchen, I struggled against his grip but he had me pretty tight,

"Oi let her go!" Danta yelled standing up,

Caleb got up and held him down,

Damiar pushed me into the kitchen, I hit the wall, Damiar pinned me against it and brought his lips to mine, it lasted for longer than ten seconds. Damiar pulled away and we both gasped for air. Butterflies and tingling feelings ran all throughout my body

"I've been wanting to do that for a while" he puffed

He still had me pinned to the wall, he kissed me again several times before he let me go, and he walked me back to the dining room gripping my arm not as tight as before. Danta eyed us the entire time

"Can we eat in peace now" Damiar said calmly

I finished first, I excused myself and went to my room, I sat on the side of my bed facing the window opposite to the door soon after someone knocked on my door and let themselves in he sat with his back to me,

Damiar I thought to myself, I knew because I smelt him

He took a breath in as if he was going to say something, but he stop

"I want to talk to Danta" I spoke up

"No" he replied


There was silence

"Why do you want to talk to Danta?"  He asked sighing

"Because" I paused "just 2mins" I pleaded


I didn't respond

"So you gonna give me the silent treatment" he asked

I didn't move

"Fine 2 minutes" he threw his hands up in defeat "but then I want to talk to you about this" he gestured to the both of us

He got up and I followed him Danta was already in his room and Caleb was nowhere to be found, he stopped in front of Danta door,


I opened the door and went in, it was dark, I could make out a shadow by the window

"Danta?" I whispered

The shadow by the window didn't move,


"I'm gonna turn on the lights!" I whispered a little louder

The light flicker, then turned on showing a tall boy standing in the corner of the room, by the window, we walked over to each other, when we made it to each other, he looked down to me as he was so much more taller, he brushed away some my hair and sighed.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't really know" I mutter

"Like as in here in this house or here in the room?" He questioned

"I have no idea what's going on, honestly I don't know why I'm in this room right now or why I'm here with these people, all I know is that it has something to do with my fucking father!" I yelled in a whisper

"Your father?" He asked

"Well my uncle and him" I replied

"I work for your father"
"What....... what up with him and his brother"

"I don't know but my family all works for him," he told me


"I don't know really but we just do," he explained

"Why does he want me?"

"He didn't even know where you were before this"

"No he did but he didn't care"

"Im even fucking sure....." I paused "I want nothing to do with my father"

Just as I was going to say something else, Damiar opened the door

"Times up Harley" he said softly

I obeyed quickly and put my head down and walked out of the room, I glanced once more at Danta before Damiar closed the door, we face each other by the door as it closed

"Now we get to have a talk" Damiar said

"Oh joy" I mutter following Damiar to his room, this time

We made it to his room, he sat down on a chair that was at a desk and turned to me

"You can sit on the bed" he told me

I jumped on the bed making it to the middle and crossed my legs

"Where to start?" I asked looking up at the ceiling as I leaned back on his bed, which was super comfortable,

They kidnapped me: benkro_tv and Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now