Your actions

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Chapter 4

I continued looking out the window into the endless acres of land and trees, going past small farms and big ones wondering where we were going. My anxiety kicked in

How far away from my family am I?

Are they looking for me?

Could they be dead?

I shut my eye tightly bringing my hands quickly to my face, containing myself I leaned more into the focusing on anything outside to silence my head.

"Baby what's wrong?" Damiar had leaned back putting his hand on my knee with a genuine look of concern, i looked down in my lap

"Nothing" I whisper smiling softly at him

"Bullshit" Caleb said I little loud but not yelling looking back to me then to the road "we can see the tears in your eyes Harley" he added chuckling

"It's nothing you two fuckheads would give two fuck about!" I shouted kicking the back of Caleb's seat and ripping Damiar's hand off me.

Damiar crawled into the back seat, pushing me down and getting on top of me, he put a hand on my throat and got up close in my face. Caleb pulled the car over.

"You will not yell at us baby" Damiar said quite calmly and sadistically

I started struggling for air, he loosened his grip

"Do you understand?" He asked

I looked between Damiar and Caleb who looked to be enjoying the show,

"Hmm do you!" He started yelling griping my throat tighter

"Fuck you!" I manage to yell

"I wish you didn't do that Harley" he sighed Caleb got out of the car door and slammed it opening the back door where my head was, Damiar let me go and Caleb dragged me out, he stood me up and held my throat and pushed me against the car, with his body.

He then brought a knife to my throat, he smiled wickedly

"Harley I don't wanna do this," he started

I struggle under his grip not caring about the dangerously sharp knife near my neck,

"HARLEY!" He yelled pushing full body weight on me covering my mouth

I stopped moving

"Fuck this, get the duck tape!" He yelled

I stared at him "You asked for it" he whisper

Damiar walked around the back of the car and appeared on the other side with a grey tape, he stretch out the tape with a wicked smile,

Caleb held me so I didn't move, as Damiar tapes my legs together the my hands and my mouth,

"This is what happen when you act like a little bitch" Caleb shouted as Damiar finished taping me up "can we go now" Damiar help Caleb get me back into the car and off we went again.

Eventually I sat back up trying to free my hands but with no luck.

I shoulda know better I thought to myself as I gave up, I stared out the window my mouth covered, hair in my face, Damiar looked back at me, I caught a glimpse of his face he looked concerned, but I stayed dead silent and still until I fell asleep,


I began I wake up laying down in the car free of my restraints, i sat up quickly once i realised, rubbing my wrist and mouth, I remember that Damiar and Caleb were in front of me so I looked up,

They kidnapped me: benkro_tv and Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now