Abandoned buildings

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Chapter 7

I was still shaking as I walked over to my walk in closet, it didn't have too much, just some jeans and sweatpants, shirts long sleeves and short, there were some short shorts and shoes and underwear probably two of everything, since it was overcast outside I chose jeans with a plain black shirt, putting on some shoes that match the outfit some vans which were white.

With that I walked out of my room and sat down at the dining table and waited. I tapped my fingers against the table, I didn't realise that someone had snuck up on me, it was Damiar he sat beside me at the table. I didn't look at him to know it was him, I remember his scent a woody peach smell. It seems weird, but I just knew.

"You okay?" Now I know for sure Damiar voice, had asked

I just stared at the table and nodded,

"That's a load of crap but fine" he said pushing his chair back and getting up,

"What she'd do now" Caleb sighed as he walked into the room and witnessed Damiar getting pissed off.

"Nothing bad" Damiar replied to Caleb "Let's go Harley" he ordered

I got up without missing a beat, not wanting to annoy anyone else, Caleb was beside me and Damiar was in front of us he got to the car opening the back door, I got in the back once I had caught up, he closed it firmly and got in the front alongside Caleb who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Damiar started the car on we were off.

Time skip- arrived

I didn't pay attention to the drive cause my anxiety proved to be more entertaining, only when I noticed the car stop and door opening and closing is when I realised we had arrived at someplace, it looked like some abandoned place in the middle of nowhere lovely. Like an old mall or shopping centre that had been burned but not to the ground,

"What the hell is this place?" I question Caleb who had opened my door

"You'll see" he responded

Is that the only thing you can say now

We walked towards the building Damiar had pushed the doors open so we could enter and let me and Caleb walk through. The door closed with a big bang as Damiar leg it go, I jumped and looked back to Damiar who muttered an apology.

The place was pitch black but was the typical abandoned building,

"Where the fuck are....." Damiar mumble to himself. Caleb had his arm wrapped around me me, as it was dark it was probably the only way he could tell I was still there. The lights had finally turned on.

"Finally" am unknown voice echoed in the building.

I span around so fast my hair whipped Caleb in the face as he spun around as well, Damiar walk over to them they were at least 20ft away from us, there were two men dressed in button up shirt one wore a dark red and the other dark green, the both had dark hair and tanned-olive skin.

"Where is he?" He said in a dark 'do not mess with me' tone

"Who the fuck is she?" One of the men asked quietly, pointed at me, I didn't realise until this point that I was clinging onto Caleb shirt, he protectively had an arm wrapped around my shoulder, I didn't let go nor did he.

"I don't think that's any of you concern, she not a threat" Damiar said whilst glancing back at me and Caleb.

"Whatever" the man said as he nodded his head towards his partner

I think it was anyway they looked like brothers i thought to myself

The other man disappeared into the darkness they brought out a an unconscious boy with his hands tied behind his back and feet, across his face was also taped his hair a mess. The man threw his unmoving body to the feet of Damiar

I gasped softly in Caleb chest he only tightened his grip on me as I did to him terrified of the sight in front of me,

"Pleasure doing business with you" Damiar said sarcastically looking at the boy, and with that they both disappeared into the darkness with out another word.

"Come help me Caleb" Damiar said

Caleb hastily let me go and ran over to Damiar and the boy, I stayed so still I may have looked like a mannequin. Caleb heaved the boy over his shoulder and Damiar led him back outside to the car.

"Come on Harley" Damiar shouted as he neared the door

I followed behind Caleb getting a good look at the boys face, I thought I recognised him just I didn't know where from. We got to the car Damiar open the back door of the car and Caleb threw the limp body in,

"What the fuck is happening!" I finally shouted with a slight crack of my voice.

"We are doing our jobs Harley" Caleb explained

"Now get in the car" Damiar added as he hopped in the driving seat

I hoped in the 4wheeled drive and looked in the back of the car staring at this boy who I knew I knew

"What's his name?" I asked

"Don't go getting to familiar Harley we don't plan on having him around for to long" Caleb warned me, I wasn't letting go of this

"That's a long name" i chuckled sarcastically

"His name is danta" Damiar told me looking back

Danta I thought about it, the name rung a bell, then memories started to flood my mind

His family were close friends of my father, the memories started to flood my mind


Me as a child running around the yard with my best friend Chole then going inside and playing hide and seek with her brothers danta and bill,


I wasn't certain but he had the black hair amd similar facial features, he was just older. He was older than me by two years which meant his would have been 19 or 20,

It may not be him I told myself as I stared at him


😝for Damiar pov chapter
😊for Caleb pov chapter
😂for danta (yes he will be waking up soon) chapter

Or don't vote at all for Harley povs
Vote for all of you want mixed chapter (which will result in a really long chapter

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