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Chapter 33

P.O.V Harley

I remember falling asleep on Damiar, I woke up to Damiar voice.

"Harley, Hey baby wake up," he said softly.

I slowly woke up rubbing my eyes and seeing his face, his green hair flopped in his face.

"We going to Starbucks!" Caleb said happily.
(I don't know if they have said such in Australia, Perth)

Is he skipping? I looked over Damiar shoulder,

"He's happy let's go" he reached out his hand, I took it gladly, we locked up the car and walked on the streets of Perth.

I felt anxious being in front of some many people, didn't they know I was supposedly missing. And my father was just killed. I didn't understand the mindset of Damiar, but he knew better. Like we couldn't get attack in a public place.

Seeing as my uncle was in the wrong.

But that thought didn't shake how much trouble Damiar and Caleb could get into, regardless.

"Hey Harley" Caleb said "what did you want" he asked me.

Did I really just space out like that? I question my sanity, for a second, but I realise I'm never gonna be normal.

"Surprise me" I said cheery like.

Damiar was at my side, the entire time, he grabbed my hand.

I watched Caleb get in the line to order. Me and Damiar went outside to get a table. I enjoy acting normal.

Even if it didn't last long. Caleb eventually came out with three drinks, all to go, just in case.

I took a sip of mine, it was a chocolate mint shake.

"Thank you Caleb,"

"I knew you'd like it" he smile showing off his braces.

"So whats our plan now" I asked randomly.

"We wait for that fucker to show his face.....when he does we blow it off" Damiar answered whispering that last part very quietly.

"Ok" I replied, "but if he doesn't"

"Oh he will eventually" Caleb said taking a sip of his drink.

Damiar ran his fingers through his hair, and looked around, i looked too as he seemed to have an edgy face now,

"We need to go" he said standing up, he pulled me up with him.

Caleb looked behind I watched his face, as he stood up.

"Let's go"

I finally got a chance to looked at whatever put the boys on edge, police officers talking with regular looking people. They pointed and looked in our direction.

Well shit I thought to myself before just walking along the street with the boys.

"Hey!" Someone shouted behind us.

We kept walking. We got a little faster.

"Hey you three!" They shouted again,

"Do not tell them who you are" Damiar whispered in my ear, we turned around.

"Yes you lot, can we speak to you," the police asked, we walked back over to them.

"We have really got to get going though" Caleb said

"It won't take long" he assure us,

I sighed particularly in relief.

"Now you miss resemble a missing girl, by the name of Harley bakes, her father was killed two day ago"

I froze up "yea uhh I've seen that on the news," I said shyly.

"May I ask what your name is then,"

"Dani" I replied,

"Do you live here?"

"No, I'm visiting from Townsville, in upper Queensland" I replied

"Alright thank you for your time" he smile politely, and walked away.

I let out a gasp, and started shaking a little,

"Shit!" I whisper shouted. Damiar held me in his arms,

"You did good baby"

I smiled and looked up to him,

"I thought we were dead for a second" Caleb said jokingly.

We continue walking down the street, we enjoy staying outside.

We had been out for hours but we decided to go to the car. And find somewhere to stay for the night, we all settle on a hotel room for us all.

Time skip-the next day

P.O.V Damiar

It was probably one or two in the morning, I woke up next to Harley, we shared a bed and Caleb got the couch that was in the room.

I slipped out of the bed, trying my best not to disturb Harley. I went outside, on the balcony. I sat in one of the chairs, I thought about what was next after peter was gone.

What would happen?

I didn't know, but that was the thought that kept me up until the sun rose up. The door open and close behind me.

"Damiar what are you doing out here?!" It was Harley.

I turned to look at her, I patted the seat beside me. She looked confused, but sat anyway.

"What's wrong Damiar" she asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

I laughed and looked down, I rested my hand on hers, "it not that something wrong, but it confuses me"

"I'm lost" she chuckled.

"Don't be"

She smiled, "tell me what's going on" she playfully hit my chest.

I knew I'd do absolutely anything for this girl

"I think I'm in love with you harley" was all I said. Her jaw dropped.


Lol I'm giving a huge thanks to  @Jungkookietrash5 for curing my writers block!!
Thank you and good night/day!!!!!

They kidnapped me: benkro_tv and Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now