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P.O.V Harley

We just got home from the court house. And I've never been happier. I was holding Damiar's hands. As we walked inside. We changed out of our court outfits into something else. Damiar wore a long sleeved black shirt and his black ripped jeans. I wore a dark grey singlet and short shorts, I also let my hair down and brushed it.

I went outside after changing, I sat down in the middle of my yard,

Where do we go from here?

What happens now?

I could never go back to how everything was before Damiar and Caleb came into my life.


I was deep in my thoughts as someone tapped me on my shoulder, I looked up.

"Hey Caleb" insaid in a cheerful voice.

He sat down beside me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"How could I not be, I'm home, we didn't get sent to jail, and everyone I hold dear to my heart is safe" I looked back to the house.

I stay quiet as Caleb examines my face after a moment of silence, and Caleb's starring. I spill.

"But I'm confused," I confess, "things ended to well, and I don't know where things are gonna go from here"

Caleb nods "every thing will work out just wait and see Harley" he smiles and open his arms for a hug, which I gladly give him.

"But what about you guys, you can't live under my parents roof forever," I look up to him.

"Jake and Danta are already looking for a place to rent around here, and we are gonna find some work, you're worrying to much Harley" he says. "Let's go inside," he says standing up, he gives a hand and helps me up too.

We walk inside and Jake and Danta are siting by each other Damiar standing, they look like they are having a conversation which ends, when they see me.

"Hey Harley," Jake yells out making Damiar look behind him.

We walk over to them,

"Whatcha talking about?" I say to them.

"How D here isn't in jail" Danta say jokingly.

Damiar sends a death glare his way,

"Sorry D" he says when he caught the glare.

He looks back to me and reaches his hand out, which I gladly took.

"So what happens now, you know beside getting out lives back together" Jake asks

"Harley are you and Damiar together now?" Danta asks, Damiar turns to look at him again,

I giggled "you couldn't ask Damiar" I say still chuckling.

"Well you see he didn't know" Jake says, making Caleb do a strange face,


I looked at Damiar, he had a bright red face. I smiled knowing damn well we hadn't actually made anything official. And we were both confused on our relationship status.

"Well Damiar," I sat with a smirk on my face,

Damiar looked at me, "we are together, right" he said.

"Yes we are," I smile, "nothing was ever official you know that right?" I sighed.  Wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Really, nothing at all" he smiled

They kidnapped me: benkro_tv and Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now