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Chapter 30

P.O.V Harley

Damiar and Caleb looked between Jake and Andrew, Damiar still held the gun in his hand, and it was still pointed at Andrew.

My heart pounded in my chest as no one moved. Then an idea hit me.

I slowly got up and opened my door, Caleb was the first to notice. He ran over to me.

"Get back in the car Harley" he scolded me.

"What's going on, what's wrong with Jake" I asked. "Why is my father here"

"Come on Harley" he said, as he grabbed my arm.

"No, I wanna know what's going on"

He sighed "I don't kn...."

"Caleb my brother is out there" I mumble softly

He sighed again, he rubbed his eyes "I'm telling Damiar you over powered me" he mumbled

I smiled softly as we both walked back to Damiar who was still holding a gun to my father.

"Harley...what's she doing out here!" Damiar yell as he saw us.

"Hey, I deserve to be out here, but can we talk about this later" I whispered to him and nodded my head to the unexpected visitors we had.

Damiar sighed in defeat and nodded.

I casted my eyes onto Jake, he looked like he been in a battle of dirt and sticks. There was cuts all over him and he was filthy, and his clothes were all torn up, same with Andrew.

They looked like death warmed up.

"What do you want" Damiar yelled after a short silence.

Jake lifted his head ever so slightly, he had bags under his eyes, his skin was so pale. He fell to the ground, he was

"He wants her" he mumbled softly as he pointed at me.

"Him?!" Damiar yelled, he pointed the gun at Andrew once more.

I shuffled behind Caleb.

"They both want her" Jake said softly.

Andrew, who was more lively than Jake, walked up to Jake.

"Stay where you are!" Damiar yelled. As Andrew continued walking to Jake.

He walked right up to Jake pulled him by the hair and out of nowhere put a knife to his throat.

"Shit" I shouted as I cupped my face. Caleb grabbed me and hugged me. As I heard the distinctive sound of a gun click then fire.

I jumped as the bang came out of no where. I looked at Damiar as Caleb stopped holding me, Andrew was on the ground. As I went over to Jake I saw blood pouring from his shoulder. Damiar came up behind me as I knelt down to Jake and hugged him, he stood up with me.

"Are you Ok?" I mumbled, softly, tears slowly falling onto my cheeks

"Yeah.. yeah, I'll be ok" he said as he hugged back,

Damiar grabbed my shoulder, I looked to him, "we should get back in the car"

"What are we gonna do about that car, isn't it gonna look a bit suspicious or weird that a perfectly fine car, with a dint in the front of it got abandoned" I asked, as I looked to the car that Jake and Andrew came here in

They kidnapped me: benkro_tv and Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now