He's back

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Chapter 24

P.O.V Damiar

"Like never, I hope" I mutter to Caleb's face as I shut the door,

I felt shitty for lying, or not telling her or even Caleb.

I didn't know why I cared this much for Harley.

But I just did.

I went back to my own room and sat down in my chair.

"Do they know?" Jake asked concerned

"No" I said "how long do we have" I asked

"I don't know"

"Well how long has he known?" I yelled

"I don't fucking know" Jake stood up

"Well what do you know" I said standing up as well

"I know my father is after my sister, he knows where she is. He's got a pity party following him and horrible fucking plans for Harley." He yelled back but it fell into a sob like mumbled by the end.

"I'm going to fucking kill him" I hit my hands on my desk and fall back on my chair resting my head on my hand, I run my fingers through my hair and groan in frustration.

Jake stood up and grabbed a bag and threw his phone at me.

"Read it" is all he mumbled at me before leaving the room

I started reading a post of

Andrew bakes arrived in the states for the second largest search for his daughter Harley Bakes

A photo of Harley was attached but I put the phone down and left to find Jake

I found him in the garage of the house and he was grabbing a sniper rifle

"Umm... what the fuck!" I shouted at him

"We are killing my father" he said throwing a gun towards me. I caught it and put it down beside me.

"You got no other plan" I said

"I know my father" he said not looking at me.

"Not what I meant" I mutter and walked over to him "what about peter" I said once I was beside him grabbing the bullets boxes and throwing them into the bag.

Time skip - leaving the house

We got into the car,

"You ready"  I mutter as I get into the driver seat.

"Let's go kill this fucker" Jake mumbled.

I started the car and we were on our way to the last know location of Andrew.


We got to the last known place it was the place were the search party had met up to speak to Andrew. I went in as Jake would have been recognised.

A few people still mingled around.

Where the fuck is he

I wander the rooms in search of Andrew. Jake showed me multiple photos. Harley did take after her dad. Look a lot like him but sweeter.

Then I saw him. Standing at the top of a staircase, surrounded by people.

He mumbled and nodded to the surrounding people, as he walked down the stairs.

Anger boiled in my blood as I watched him walked down the stairs.

I broke

I stared at him and walked away once he looked over to me.

I had to leave or I was going to lose it.

"What the fuck man" a yelling voice in my ear

"Oi, my ear drum" i say knocking my ear piece out of my ear.

"Damiar" an all to familiar voice called out.

I spun around and pulled out my hand gun that I stuffed in my belt.

It wasn't peter.

It was Andrew.

"What the fuck!?" I mumbled

"Where is she?" He said in a colder tone not moving just standing there

I don't move, "gone, just like you" I fire the gun twice, before his body even hit the floor.

I turned around and ran. Jake was already around and waiting for me.

People had gathered outside and around Andrews body. That was still unmoving.

And that was it

It was done. He was gone.

"That wasn't planned at all" I say out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" Jake said looking at the road.

"He knew my name"

"Fuck!!" Jake hit his hand against the driving wheel. "He must've talked to peter or fucking he just knew.."

"Why the fuck would've have spoken to fucking peter about the girl he was buying off him"

"Maybe they were both in on it" Jake said looking over to me, his eyes widen a bit.

The rest of the trip was silent.

When we got home and went inside

no one was there.

It was empty of everyone with a note.

Went to get some food from eric and Paul

And another one saying,

I've got them both

Jake and I went around the whole house, we couldn't find anyone.

"What if that note...wa"

"No he's dead I killed him!" I shouted before Jake could even finish.

"Peter" he mumbled

I rushed back outside in the car Jake right behind me,

"Where are we going" i say as I rushed putting on my seatbelt.

Jake shows me a news feed on his phone

Attempted murder of Mr Bakes
Earlier this evening a man had shot, mr bakes at his search party meeting. Two shots were fired, Andrew bakes remains in critical condition.

"Am I going to the hospital then?" I say sarcastically "Harley and Caleb are missing!" I shouted

"Peter is in on this" Jake mumbled

"Well no shit" I say pulling out of the driveway with no idea where I'm going.

I speed down the road.

They've got Harley and Caleb now and all hells about to break loose.

I looked over to Jake who still had the note in his hand, holding it with his phone

"Did we look at both sides of the note" I asked him

He flipped the note over,

Go to the airport
We will be waiting

I gritted my teeth and drove even faster.

They kidnapped me: benkro_tv and Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now