What now?

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Chapter 35

P.O.V Harley

Oh shit Caleb the first thought I had when I heard the screaming.

The door crashed open I was under the bed.


"Harley, Damiar," fucking Peter. "Caleb might not make it to the party" he said calmly.

I covered my mouth to stop any sobs that might come out.

Was Caleb.. 'dead'?

My mind thought, my heart started racing and and anxiety kicked in. Brutally attacking my head.

No he couldn't be...could he? Right.

I peaked from under the bed I saw Damiar hiding behind a wall, holding a gun.

"I don't have all day come out now, easily or Caleb will get shot!" Peter shouted.

Oh thank god! He's wasn't dead. I crawled from under the bed and peaked over the top.

Damiar dropped his gun and came over to me, he grabbed my wrapping his arms around me.

"Where is he?" Damiar said.

Peter moved and behind him two men were holding a bloody Caleb by the shoulders. His chest moved, a sign he was still breathing.

My eyes were still watery as I looked at him.

"Come along now, or he won't be, as well" Peter warned us.

Damiar's face was or pure concern, he looked at me, I stepped towards Peter, holding Damiar's hand, I looked down not wanting to even look at his face. I had to let go of Damiar hand, a man behind tightly gripped my shoulder.

I was pushed along to a van, Caleb pushed in first, Damiar got thrown in followed by me being pushed against van.

"Get in" a deep voice told me. I was scared I didn't look at his face. I did what was asked of me. He threw a bag in after us.

"It's first aid, for him" he nodded towards Caleb. Then slammed the van doors.

I looked over to Damiar who looked confused.

I didn't bother with it I opened the bag and started cleaning up Caleb.

He had bruises all over and cuts he was conscious, and only seemed more alert as I touched the alcohol/disinfectant to his skin.

Damiar helped out with wrapping the biggest wounds, there was an ice pack it was a disposable one, I opened it and placed it on Caleb head once it was cold, as he had a big bruise there.

By the time we had finished fixing Caleb up. The van had stopped and we heard multiple doors open and close.

I squeezed Damiar's hand and Caleb, as by this point he was fine, and very alert.

I was shaking and they both felt it. The doors of the van opened and two men with guns grabbed us and tied our hands together, and to one another. So we were stuck, altogether.

"Let's go" one ordered us. I was in the middle Damiar was in front and Caleb behind me. I looked down, and walked I watched Damiar feet as they stopped moving, I did too, I looked up, as we got pushed along to enter a house. Or it's was more like a bloody mansion.

"Ow" I heard Caleb softly muttered. As we got inside the man leading us went to a huge room with a single couch, coffee table and a chair facing a window with the curtains open letting in the light, the floors were tiled and made a checkers patterns, it was black and white, I only knew because I refused to look up.

"Sit" the man said quietly. His voice echoed in the large space. We did again as we were told. All the furniture was a dark red. I pulled on my fingers I we all sat in the couch in the middle of this big room.

Damiar put his hands on my thigh as that's all he could do, What with his hands being tied tightly together.

That's when the chair in front of us span around.

"Well it took a while to find you lot but here you are" it was Peter. He crossed his legs, and smiled at us.

"I mean I'm impressed with my efforts. And after working together with Andrew to find yous, it really brought us together. But then he died." He paused

"The last thing he said to me before he died was that he'd kill you boys" he laughed.

I started breathing heavily, scared and nervous of what would happen. We all remained quiet

"It's a good thing I'm not my brother, but I can't let this go, I honestly don't know what to do with you all now, except kill all of you" he pulled out a gun.

"You boys were like sons to me, and you betrayed my trust for thi.... this girl, and my niece, Harley no hard feelings." He looked at the gun he held it to us.

"But I can't do this, youd think after all this time I'd be ready" he paused again

"Then just let us go" I shouted.

"Oh Harley it doesn't work like that" Peter stood up and put a finger to my cheek.

"Don't touch her!" Damiar shouted.

"You, you used to be emotionless, hard and bitter," Peter yelled "you a disgrace," Peter shouted. He walked back to his chair.

"For caring" Damiar question,

"I thought I taught you that nothing good comes out of caring" Peter sat in his chair blankly staring at the wall pasted Damiar.

"Bull shit"Damiar smiled.

"Get them out of here!" Peter shouted.

And like magic two men came into the room demanding we stand up and dragging us down a hallway and shoving us into a room. Clicking sounds from outside the door. Damiar walked up to it and I follow a little because we were still stuck together.

"Locked" he said after jiggling the knob.

Caleb tried to stick his hand in his pocket. I watched him for a while, but then asked him,

"What the heck are you doing Caleb?!" I asked in a strained voice,

He stopped and looked to me, "I have a small pocket knife, in my pocket!" He whispered shouted. "Cause I don't know about you but I'm not waiting for that fuck to decide he wants us dead!"

I smiled happily, and looked back to Damiar who also had an excited look on his face.

"Let me" I said as I went to him, I easily put a hand in Caleb front pocket, I moved my hand around, and my fingers brushed passed a cold metal object.

"I feel it," I whispered shouted. I struggle a little as my hand was still attached to my other hand and both wouldn't fit in the pocket. But I felt it again, and grabbed hold of it after struggling, and pulled it out, I cut loose Caleb's hands who then did mine. Then Damiar's.

"Ok, What now?" I asked.

They kidnapped me: benkro_tv and Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now