ch. 8 • lance is a hoe

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Cara's P.O.V

When I woke up, the bed was empty, and there was sunshine coming in through the window. I sat up and checked my phone. 9:30. Wow. I got out of bed and went into the hall, checking on the twins. Neither of them were in their cribs. Hoping Lance was home by now and all my kids hadn't been stolen, I headed into the living room, which was also empty. But what I heard proved that Lance was home.

Laughing and shouting was coming from the bathroom, and so was crying. I ran both hands over my face, mentally preparing myself for whatever I was going to find when I walked into the bathroom. I reached the doorway and looked in to find the source of the commotion. Lance was attempting to give the girls a bath, which had apparently resulted in a water war between the two, and also trying to console Jace, who was once again screaming his lungs out. The twins were in little baby chairs that my sister had gotten me, and Lance was attempting to rock Jace's chair with the back of his foot while he tried to keep Aria in the tub. I slowly reached down and picked Jace up, bouncing him back and forth to calm him down. The movement startled Lance, who was soaking wet, and he jumped.

"Jesus Christ!" He gasped. The second his hands were away from the tub, Aria had gotten out and was now climbing on him, making him even more wet. "What did I just say about staying in the tub?!" He snapped, lifting her and putting her back in the tub.

"Well, looks like you've got this all under control." I said, shooting him an amused look. He gave me quite the opposite.

"Glad you decided to wake up today." He muttered, a groan following as Ciara sent a wave of water over the side of the tub and into his lap. The giggles that followed caused me to laugh, resulting in an 'I give up' look from Lance. I smiled.

"Take the twins in the other room. I'll deal with your daughters."

"They're yours too."

"Not when they do this, they're not." I shook my head, stepping around him as he left the room, babies in hand.

"Is it your mission in life to make us miserable?" I sighed, taking Lance's spot on the floor in front of the tub. Aria giggled.

"Dad let us have bubble bath!" She cheered, holding up a huge mound of bubbles to prove her point.

Yeah, my bubble bath.

"I see that. Now, did you get any in the tub?" I motioned to the water soaked floor. Ciara giggled, smacking the water with her hands and getting it all over me.

"Bubble!" She yelled, smiling widely.

"Well, assuming that you're clean enough to go another day, it's time to get out." I said, much to their dismay.

"Aww, but we were having so much fun!" Aria whined.

"Bubble." Ciara repeated to match Aria's tone. I laughed.

"Yeah, and your dad is going to have so much fun cleaning up all this water." I picked Ciara up out of the bath first, wrapping her in Lance's USA towel. The second I left her unattended to next wrap up Aria, she was running out of the room, little feed smacking against the wood floor.

Well, now she was Lance's problem. I dried off Aria, picking her up to keep her from tracking water all over the house like Ciara. When I entered the girl's room, Lance was already in there with a struggling Ciara in his arms.

"This is definitely your daughter." He grumbled, struggling to grab clothes for Ciara white trying to keep her from jumping out of his arms. I set Aria down so she could get dressed, hanging her towel on the doorknob.

"For fucks sake, stay still you little shit!" Lance snapped, setting Ciara on the changing table. Then came the tears. Ciara started bawling her eyes out, laying back on the changing table to kick her feet in the air and hit the wall. He pinched the bridge of his nose, then turned back towards her.

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