ch. 13 • hugs and drugs

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Lance's P.O.V

My fucking god. Cara was going to drive me insane. Like, actually insane.

She spent all day with the kids, not even giving me a second glance the whole time. I could tell she was hurting, and that going to Rikers Island had really taken a toll on her, but there was no way of me helping her, seeing as I was at the receiving end of one of her infamous silent treatments, which seemed to happen almost every day at the house lately. It was now around 11 o'clock, and I was sitting at the counter paying bills with only the hanging lights on.

Cara was putting the kids to bed for the fourth time, and I knew once she was done she would be leaving. I knew for sure she was serious about sleeping at her apartment instead. I tapped my pen on the counter impatiently, the loud clicking echoing through the kitchen. I hated what we were becoming, and I felt a separation coming. For good. I knew in the back of my head that she really did love this Roman guy, and I was hurting. I knew she was going to leave me at some point, and never come back. She was already starting to drift, further and further away. I mean, I was sleeping with people, but by no means was I falling in love with anyone.

Finally, I heard footsteps down the hallway and watched as Cara walked by me, on the phone. And in tears.

"Yeah, I know. I know. You saw how I was, I wasn't really thinking straight. I don't know." She sniffled, wiping her eyes furiously as she slipped on her shoes. "You're overreacting. It was a hug, Roman." Her voice was shaking badly now, and she stood in the doorway, staring emptily forward as Roman's voice boomed on the other end. He was pissed about her hugging me today. Part of me was secretly happy that they were fighting, but the other part of me felt for Cara, who looked one second away from breaking down completely. "Yeah, I'm going. I'm going. I just have to be where I won't wake my kids." She stressed, struggling to get her left shoe on. I gently walked over, reaching my hand out for the shoe. She gave it to me tentatively, and just stood there, probably getting yelled at as I untied her shoe.

I held my other hand up for her foot, and she easily lifted it up to me. I slid the shoe onto her foot, tying it gently but quickly so that she could get to her apartment and properly have whatever conversation was awaiting her. She silently thanked me and rushed out, not bothering to shut the door behind her. I watched her rush down the hallway, apologizing profusely into the phone.
See? Not every couple is perfect.

Cara's P.O.V

I was in deep shit. Roman had seen me hug Lance, and was for some reason convinced that I had kissed him too. And then I had hung up on him when he tried to facetime me because I was in the twins' room and I had just put them both to bed. I had to run past Lance in tears, and then couldn't put my fucking shoes on.

Now, I had just unlocked my apartment door, and was preparing to turn on the FaceTime camera so Roman could see the fact that I was crying. His actions had way too much power over my emotions without him even knowing it. I rushed into my room, turning on the light and kicking off my shoes.

"Cara, you better turn on that camera pretty damn quick. I'm starting to get pissed off." He snapped, and I could just imagine him gritting his teeth. I sat down on my bed, turning on the facetime camera. He was also sitting on his bed, a lit cigarette dangling between his lips. He was in fact grinding his teeth, and the LED strip lights in his room were flashing different colors.

"I'm right here!" I'm right here, okay?" I stammered, holding my knees close to my chest and setting my phone up on my nightstand so that I could use both my hands. He crossed his arms, blowing smoke out of his nose. He had never looked scarier.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You just hugged him like that right in front of me? How many times are you going to lie to me about him? It's obvious you still have the hots for him." He lectured, taking the cigarette out of his mouth. I put my face in my hands, groaning.

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