ch. 32 • soulmates and alcohol

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The next day, despite our fight the night before, Harley invited us all (Lance's boys and mine had gone home that morning) to stay at her house for the night.

She had even promised me my old room, which was weird because I hadn't slept in there since I was eighteen, but Lance was very excited to see it. Also, we were going drinking (Harley has stressed that we were allowed to get as drunk as we wanted seeing as Steve's mom was staying with the kids) for Lance's 'late birthday present' meaning all drinks on them. What they hadn't accounted for was that Lance was like a bottomless pit when it came to alcohol, he could just keep going.

He would get drunk, but never enough to stop. It was one of his many 'talents' as he called them. So we were at the club, getting fucking wasted. I hadn't been wasted for a long time, but drinking with my sister and Lance together was like an atomic bomb just waiting to go off.

"Dude, if I get laid tonight, I'm gonna have to stick my dick in the sink. I didn't shower today." Lance shouted loudly in my ear, shaking my shoulder to let me know he was talking to me.

"Have I ever told you that you have a cute ass?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around him and taking a sip of the drink he was holding. He shook his head.

"I already knew." He boasted. "You also-" he paused to let out a large burp- "have a hot ass." He then grabbed my ass tightly. This would be abnormal, but this club was full of sexual tension and horny people. Hell, my sister and Steve were in the bathroom doing god knows what. Lance looked down at me, and then gave me a disapproving look.

"I can see everything. Tits, ass, and other stuff. Do I need to put my shirt on you?" He lectured. Glad to know he noticed the good stuff first, I guess. His shirt literally said 'I fucked your mom.' That's it.

"That's even worse than what I'm wearing. I'm good." I scoffed. I was wearing a dress, but he was right, it was pretty revealing. But whatever, too late to change anyways. "You just want a chance to show off your abs."

"Are you even wearing underwear." He was leaning back to inspect my ass. I smirked, leaning in close to make sure he heard me.


"You're a piece of work. Who am I to let my fiancée walk around looking like a whole meal. I'm the only one that's eating you, let me remind you."

"Oh, I know. You know what? I think you do need to take off your shirt."

"Yeah but I don't want to lose it." He complained.
"Just shove it in Harley's purse. She's around here somewhere." I paused to let him feed me another drink of whatever it was he was holding, then led him towards the bathroom I had seen them walk into. Lance then went for it. "Make sure to knock..." but it was too late, and I could hear Harley yelling at him.

"Can you- stop screaming it's just me- can you put my shirt in your purse?" I then watched as it was snatched out of his hand and the door was slammed in his face. He nodded, then walked back over to me.

"Yeah, I just saw your sister half naked." He sighed, chugging the rest of his drink.

"Erase it from your memory." I snapped. He ordered another drink, pulling down my dress to cover my ass better with his free hand. I took another sip of his drink, the drink being cherry sprite with vodka and infused gummy bears.

"If you want a goddamn drink just order something." He said, holding the glass away from me. I shook my head.

"What? Can't I just have a drink?"

"No. Because all you're drinking is mine." He complained. I waited for a while to let him drink, sitting on his knee before telling him.

"I have to pee." I sighed, looking at him expectantly.

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