ch. 49 • the fight

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You know what? Fuck men. They talk all this shit and then talk their way into your pants. Every time. Assholes.

I voiced these words to Lance, who found it very funny.

"That's just me." At my shaky legs, his grin grew even wider. "Need me to carry you?"

"Fuck off. I'm fine." I followed him up the hill back into the cabin on jello legs, secretly wishing I had said yes to his help, but I managed to make it to my bed without falling over.

"'re not up for round-" he counted on his fingers, the stupid grin not leaving his face- "seven, then?"

"You think you're funny, but you're actually not." I crawled into my sleeping bag, closing my eyes and trying to ignore him. He pulled a pair of Kleins out of his suitcase and slid them on, shivering slightly as he did so. I regretted not getting dressed.

"Sorry not sorry. I've been waiting for almost 3 weeks for that." He crawled into his sleeping bag next to me, wrapping an arm around me and resting his chin on my shoulder. "You smell nice."

"I smell like sex."

"Sex smells nice to me." He hummed softly, pulling my hair back and away from my face. "Plus your shampoo."

"You didn't kiss me at all." I muttered, not turning around to face him. It was strange, and I was kind of upset about it.

"I didn't know if you wanted me to."


"I can tell you're angry with me, Cara. I don't want to make you more angry."

"You know, you could just ask me to talk to you about it instead of avoiding it." I turned to face him, grinding my teeth. "That's how responsible adults handle things."

"Is that your way of calling me an irresponsible adult?" He asked dryly, sitting up and leaning on his elbow. I crossed my arms, shrugging.

"This isn't one of our problems that solves itself, Lance." With his attitude, I was starting to regret the sex I had just had.

"So now you're mad at me because I didn't kiss you?!" He groaned, throwing his free arm in the air.
Men. Also very dumb.

"What? No! This is about your coke addiction! Fucking duh!"

"I don't have a coke addiction!" He argued, gritting his teeth.

"You sure? Because crashing your car on a high doesn't sound like a "hobby" Lance." I seethed, getting out of bed and turning around to glare at him.

Lance's P.O.V

"Cara, I have apologized a million times. I've agreed to quit, and I've done everything you ask of me all week. I haven't bothered you, I haven't pressed your forgiveness, and I haven't come near you in bed since I left for the fucking trip. What the hell do you want from me?" I fumed.

She was inconsolable no matter what I did. She stood there, jaw clenched shut and left leg shaking every once in a while, looking angrier than I had ever seen her. I know I said that a lot, but it seemed like I reached a new level of her anger every day lately.

"Change, Lance. Actually change. You've been the same person my whole life. Toxic, out of control, and arrogant." Ouch, that kind of hurt. I pondered for a second between apologizing, or hurting her back. With split second decisioning, I chose the latter.

"Toxic? Seriously?" I sat up completely, clenching my fist against my forehead in pure rage. "You wanna fucking talk? If any one should goddamn change, it should be you. You're still a self obsessed, lying, manipulative, secretive sixteen year old girl who can't control her life without someone else doing it for her." I knew it was too much, but it was out of my mouth without comprehension.

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