ch. 51 • holy matrimony

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The next morning, I woke up, once again, to Lance's stupid alarm. When I opened my eyes, it wasn't even light outside yet. I groaned, covering my head with the sleeping bag (I had immigrated to my own because it was hot) and closing my eyes again. I felt Lance shift next to me and turn it off, sighing deeply.

"Fuck." He muttered, getting up and climbing over me swiftly.

"Do we really have to get married this early?" I complained, watching as he stretched like he did every morning. I could feel a headache forming at the thought of everything I would have to get done, but the excitement of my wedding trumped it.

"We have to drive home, get the kids, drop you off to get ready with the sisters and your friends, drop the kids off with Marco, and then I have to get ready." He explained, already getting dressed.

"Sounds like you've got a full plate. You need me to do anything?" I asked, getting up slowly but surely.
"If you didn't leave me at the altar, that would be nice." He joked, wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me a kiss as he reached me. "Try not to get stressed because you didn't make the plans."

"Can't make me do anything." I said, taking his shirt out of his hand. At his protest, I kissed him again. "I want this one for the ride."

"You're lucky I like you." He grumbled, leaning over to find a different shirt. I was lucky. Very lucky.

The drive home was long, and Lance gave me a layout of our day as I drove. I had insisted I drive because I never got to drive his car. We were getting married at the gym, then having the reception at the barn at Harley's house.

Somehow, Lance had managed to make all these plans without an issue. And also made sure I agreed with everything. Sometimes I wondered how he managed to be so perfect. He fell asleep on my shoulder halfway through the drive, arms wrapped around my biceps and snoring into my ear. I took a picture, then went back to driving, faced with the fact that by tonight, I would be married. To the guy snoring on my shoulder.

Lance only woke up when I slammed on my brakes when someone pulled in front of me, his body slamming forward.

"Jesus Christ!" He snapped, holding himself up with the dashboard. "Who taught you how to drive?"

"My sister." I said, smiling as he put on his seatbelt. He never wore it unless I did something dangerous. "Still wanna marry me?"

"I'll let you know at a different time." He poked, pointing down the road. "Turn there to get to the house."

"I know where we live, honey."

"Just making sure." We finally got home, and I felt like taking a shower for ten hours. But no, the kids were home, and the second Rose saw us home she dashed. (Of course, letting Lance pay her and give her the wedding plans before she left.) The kids were very excited to find out we were getting married, and when Lance said Marco was taking them to get outfits for the wedding, they got even more excited.

"Alright. We'll shower and then we have to head out again." Lance planned, leading me into our bathroom. The kids were eating lunch, and Rose had bathed them the previous night so they were good to go.

"I'm so tired. I might fall asleep during my vows." I mumbled, falling into his arms dramatically. He pushed me away, shaking his head.

"I don't have time to deal with your whining. We have a lot of stuff to do." He pushed me towards the shower.

"Aw, you're no fun." I grumbled, slowly peeling off my clothes and getting in as he turned it on for me.

"A little messing around before the wedding sound good to you? If we were Mormon, it wouldn't be allowed." I joked, reaching out to him. He shook me off, shaking his head.

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