ch. 40 • fighting

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The next few days were...weird. We were both trying to figure out how to deal with it while also putting up a front for the alive kids, and for Lance, this meant getting out every sexual thought he had into the open.

I mean, constantly. Dirty texts at work, whispering things in my ear, and sex every chance he got. Earlier that night, we had been eating dinner, kids sitting directly across from us, when he leaned over into my ear and whispered into it.

"I'm gonna fuck your face when the kids go to bed. Just letting you know." And then he had kept his hand on my thigh, dangerously high, the whole night. He had kept his promise, and was now above me, hand pressed tightly to my mouth. I didn't know what this newfound sex drive was and why it was so high for him all of a sudden, but I was more than okay with it. I pried his fingers away from my mouth, aiming to ask him a question.

"Who said you could speak?" He asked gruffly as I opened my mouth.

"Who did you lose your virginity to?" I asked, chewing on my lip harshly. He gave me an annoyed look.

"Seriously? Right now?" He gasped, keeping a tight grip in my hair with his free hand. I nodded.

"Just-" I paused to wrap my arms tighter around his neck- "curious."

"Some freshman. I tell you, freshman girls will do anything you ask them to." He chuckled to himself. Gross.

"Who did you lose yours to?" He groaned, dropping his head to my shoulder. His forehead was glistening with sweat. Just how I liked him.

"I'm not telling you. It's embarrassing."

"What, were you a freshman?" He smirked at his own joke, and I gripped his hair tightly, partly because we were in the middle of having sex and partly because he was being an asshole. He usually was doing both at the same time. "Just tell me, sweetheart."

"Well, funny story. It was actually you." I waited patiently for him to be done sucking stupid hickeys on my neck before he answered.

"Fuuuck. Perfect time and place for that confession." He muttered, pressing his body into mine. "I'm gonna-"

"Dad?" Aria's voice scared the shit out of both of us, and Lance rolled off me at record speed. He groaned, pissed.

"What?" He snapped, his hand drifting between my legs underneath the covers. I gasped slightly, gripping his wrist.

"Ciara is crying really bad. I can hear her down the hallway." She held onto the doorknob and swung the door back and forth, oblivious to what was happening directly in front of her. Lance clenched his jaw, wiping his hand on my leg.

"Go back to your room and go to bed. I'll be in there in a second." He sighed. She did so, closing the door halfway behind her before I heard her feet down the hall.

"Having kids was the worst idea we've ever had." He grumbled. He then kissed me before getting up and putting his pants on. I leaned over and pulled his shirt off the ground, putting it on along with underwear. He looked at me.

"You're coming?" He sounded surprised. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get too excited. I'm making sure she's okay. She doesn't normally cry at night." I followed him out of the room, holding his *ahem* clean hand. "This is the first night you haven't gone to bed at 8 o'clock." I mentioned as we walked up the stairs.

"Got distracted. I'll finish doing you and then go to bed." He chuckled at his own words, taking his hand out of mine.

"Since when did we become a domestic couple?" He scoffed, wiping his hand on his pants for added insult. I rolled my eyes.

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