ch. 42 • broken bedframe

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Later, after it had gotten to nighttime, and I knew Lance would be FaceTiming me at any second. Like I guessed, I got the call, and answered it with an annoyed look on my face.

"What do you want?"

"Well, don't get too sweet on me." He said sarcastically. He was sitting in a tent, apparently alone. He looked tired, and his hair was wet.

"Sorry. Long day. Having fun?"

"Yeah, turns out Ciara is not a good swimmer. Saved her from drowning like ten times today." He yawned, rubbing his fingers through his hair. "You alone?"

"Been alone all day, sadly." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I wanted to smack myself. I had told myself I was going to tell Lance about Jack. Well, guess I was lying.

"Sadly, huh?" He grinned. "You naked like I requested?"

"No, because I don't have to listen to everything you say. Fully clothed and staying that way." I huffed, shaking my head.

"Yeah, that's cute. You rhymed."

"Are you alone?"

"Yeah, kids wanted their own tent. They're right next to me if they need me." He sighed, looking to his left where I assumed he could see into the kid's tent. "Why?"

"Oh my god, Lance. I was just asking." I groaned at his sultry tone. "I didn't clean the house."

"One thing. I ask you to do one thing." He groaned, giving me a dirty look. I laughed gently.

"If I do it, you're just going to come home and do it your way anyways so there's no point." I explained. I kind of wanted to bring up the cocaine, but I didn't know how he was going to react.

"You look anxious. What's wrong?" He could see right through me without fail. I obviously wasn't going to tell him about Jack, so I settled on the cocaine instead. But first, emotional foreplay.

"Nothing." I shrugged, turning so that I was lying on my side in bed. He gave me an unimpressed look.

"Cara Queen. We both know I don't fall for your bullshit. What's wrong with you?"

"I found cocaine in your drawer." I said softly, biting my lip. I had no idea how he was going to react. He paused, then sighed.

"Yeah, there's some in there. I'll get rid of it if you want me to." He said calmly. I raised my eyebrows.

"Um, first of all, don't act so relaxed. Second, of fucking course I want you to get rid of it." I said exasperatedly. Sometimes I wondered about him. He took this news harshly, and looked offended.

"You know, I paid a lot of money for that." He snapped. I watched as he changed into argument mode. Great.

We were arguing about cocaine possession. Which is illegal.

"Whatever, okay? We'll talk about it some other time. I don't want to fight with you right before you leave." I folded, yawning. He pinched the bridge of his nose, nodding.

"Yeah, okay. Speaking of my trip, by the way, I'll be able to fly back once a week." He said, changing his tone so it sounded positive.

"That's good. I don't like you away from the kids for so long."

"What about being away from you?"

"I wish I couldn't allow it at all." I mumbled. He said more to me, but I was falling asleep, and could barely mumble a response when he told me he loved me.

When I woke up the next morning, it was not what I wanted to wake up to. Lance and I's bed frame was nailed to the wall (for obvious reasons) and apparently the bed had decided to fall apart, making me drop to the floor on the mattress, and collectively rip a bunch of small holes in the wall behind me. I opened my eyes slowly.

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