ch. 45 • work trip

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The next morning, I woke up to Lance's alarm going off, the stupid beeping jerking me out of a dream about Lance being bald. I felt Lance roll over on his side of the bed and turn off his alarm, sighing loudly.

He slipped out of bed, presumably heading to take a shower. I knew I wasn't going to the airport with him, so I just went back to sleep. He would wake me up to get ready with him before he left.

He woke me up by jumping on the bed and landing as hard as he could next to me, shouting my name. I jolted into sitting position, gasping loudly. He chuckled to himself before handing me his jacket and a pair of underwear.

"Come out into the living room with me." He invited, setting the clothes down next to me. I groaned, still numb with sleep.

"Can you do it?" I mumbled, holding up my underwear. He rolled his eyes before putting my underwear on for me (relationship goals) and holding the jacket open for me to slip my arms into.

Once I was dressed, I followed him out of our room and into the living room. I sat down at the counter as he dug through the fridge until he found a Red Bull, popping it open before it was even out of the fridge. I laid my head on my crossed arms. It was so early. Lance sat next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I looked at the clock on the microwave. He had to leave in ten minutes. He already had his shoes on.

"I'll pay you..." I dug through his pockets, pulling out a condom and a juul pod, "...this much to stay here."

"Jokes on you, I'm taking that with me, so I'll have it whether you pay me or not." He sighed, kissing the side of my head.

"Don't gooooo." I whined, leaning my head against his lips. "I'll do anything you want."

"Anything, you say?" He purred, brushing loose strands of hair out of my face.

"Anything." I confirmed, knowing it was useless. He chuckled, chugging the rest of his redbull and throwing it in the trash can from across the room.

"I want you to lick my asshole. Right now." His tone was dead serious, and his lips were set in a straight line. My lips parted as I stared at him, completely speechless. His mouth turned up in grin, and he laughed. "I'm kidding, honey." He poked my side, the grin on his face staying. I groaned comically loudly, pushing him away.

"It's two in the morning! Shut your mouth!" I snapped. He rolled his eyes, rubbing my arm.

"Ah, my beautiful fiancée. Always so quick to remind me of her love." He grabbed his suitcase from where it was lying by the couch, bringing it to the front door and then coming to stand in front of me. "I have to go, sweetheart." I threw my arms around him, bringing my legs around his waist and holding onto him tightly.

"No, you don't." I buried my face in his neck as he sighed, rubbing my back.

"Cara Queen." His tone was condescending, and I dropped off of him but kept my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me like that for a minute, sighing deeply into my hair.

"I love you." I whispered, giving him a kiss. He kissed me back, grabbing my ass just for a second.
True love, people.

"I love you too. I'll see you in a week, alright?" He took his jacket off of me, slinging it over his arm. He didn't go anywhere without it.

"Okay. Bye." I gave him another kiss as he headed towards the door. I watched him go, blowing him a kiss before he closed it and headed for his car. "Ugh. Stupid Lance." I mumbled to myself before heading back into my room. I climbed into bed (it was still warm) and checked my phone. One text from Lance.

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