ch. 26 • meet the parents pt. 1

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The day of my trip, I was packed and ready at Roman's house at 10:30 am. The drive wasn't long, but we wanted to get there for lunch.

"You all cleared to go?" Roman asked as I entered the house. I rolled my eyes.

"Yep. He's going to what sounds like an orgy vacation while I'm gone, so I don't think he's going to miss me much."

"Must be nice." He sighed. At my look, he chuckled. "I'm kidding!" He hugged me. I hadn't seen him since I had been sick. I was still kind of getting over it.

"Alright, let's head out the door. Reeve, you bunking up or driving on your own?" He called down the hall. Claudia was coming too, and I really hoped they wouldn't be riding with us. She annoyed the fuck out of me. Reeve appeared in the hall, mocking his brother's tone.

"I know how to drive, fucktard. I don't need you to do it for me." He said sourly. He was carrying suitcases, one black and one holographic.

"Okay, busboy. Looks like you're busy doing stuff for your little girlfriend anyways." Roman teased, pointing to the suitcase. Reeve kicked him in the shin, shoving the porch door open to take the suitcases to his car. Claudia entered the room shortly after, shaking her head.

"Roman, lay off him. You know going home stresses him out." She sighed, following Reeve out the door. Roman grabbed my bag along with his.

"He's the least favorite kid. That's why going home stresses him out so much." He explained, smirking slightly.

"You're such an asshole." I laughed, pushing him out the door, taking his keys and locking it behind me. Soon after, we were on the road, and it had become a competition to see who could get there. The boys continually passed and cut each other off on the highway, flipping each other off at red lights and when we stopped in traffic.

Finally, they seemed to be done messing with each other, and Roman pulled ahead, relieved to be ahead of Reeve so he could save his breaks. His hand made its way to my leg, squeezing my thigh just slightly.

"That little asshole made me slam on my breaks at least five times. I'm going to need new ones if he doesn't lay off for the rest of the drive." He grumbled. I leaned my head on his shoulder, turning up the heat just slightly. It was freezing in his car.

"You guys are so immature." I muttered. He ignored this comment.

"Get me a cigarette, would you?" He motioned to the glovebox. I opened it, assessing the contents and looking for the cigarettes and lighter. There were crutches for a blunt, a small bag of what I assumed to be weed, a bunch of maps, a shitload of chargers, a pair of my underwear (don't ask) and the cigarettes.

No lighter.

"There's no lighter in here." I said, pulling out the box and shutting the door. He swore.

"I need some fucking nicotine before we get there. My family can be a fucking lot." He was getting more stressed by the minute.

"Babe, it'll be fine. I'll be with you the whole time." I rubbed his arm, trying my best to calm down. He sighed loudly.

"Suck my dick." He muttered, grinding his teeth. I rolled my eyes. So much for trying to help. I crossed my arms, turning away from him slightly. He tightened his grip on my thigh, grabbing my attention. "Cara, I wasn't kidding. Please." He looked borderline desperate.


Finally, we pulled into the driveway of a huge house, revealing that Reeve was already there. There was another truck parked in the driveway, which I assumed was Asa's. Roman smacked the wheel.

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