ch. 15 • gone boy

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Rough/angry sex isn't for everyone, and it's something that you have to grow accustomed to. With all the boyfriends I'd had over the years, I'd become very accustomed to it, but it still left me worn out every time, and wanting to sleep for three days straight. When we were done, everything ached in pain and pleasure, and I really just wanted to go home. But there I was, laying in the back of a pickup, receiving drunken kisses from Roman, not at home.

"Rome, let's go home. I don't want to be here anymore." I mumbled, reaching up to play with a loose strand of his hair. He leaned down to kiss my jawline gently, touching me as if I would shatter any second.

"Can't go to my house. Clauds is having a sorority party there tonight. That's why we're all here." He sighed, continuing to barely kiss my neck and jaw.

"I guess you could come to my place. But we'd have to sneak around, because Lance will pop a vein if he finds out I brought you within a mile of him." I grumbled, leaning my head to the left ever so slightly to give him more neck. He hummed, nipping at my sensitive skin.

"You better have a nice bed. I'm tired out." Yeah, you're one to talk.

"You know I do. I have to get dressed and go to my car. You can follow me." I sat up pulling on my underwear and jeans. Roman handed me my bra, and then proceeded to help my clip it due to my shaky hands, I put my shirt and shoes on, and then I was ready to go.

"I'll see you in a minute." He kissed me quickly, then got out behind me, walking to the drivers side as I walked to my car on the other side of the parking lot. My legs hurt, and all I really wanted to do was go to bed. In my car, I sat for a second and just put my head on the steering wheel, groaning. For some reason, I felt empty. Nothing. I missed my kids. I missed Lance. I really didn't want to be doing what I was doing right now. But I started the car anyways, let Roman follow me home anyways, and let him into my apartment anyways.

"You okay?" Roman asked as I collapsed on the couch. "You seem upset."

"I'm fine. Just tired, I guess." I sighed, pulling a pillow under my arms. He looked around, his arms crossed.

"You've got like, nothing in here." He observed, sitting down next to me and putting my feet in his lap.

"Yeah, I don't spend many days here. I usually only sleep here." I sighed, closing my eyes. He took off my shoes, beginning to rub my feet. Okay, maybe I wasn't that upset with him.

"Do you want me to carry you to bed?" He sighed, pressing into the sore muscles of my feet with his thumbs. I groaned.

"No, s'fine. Can't get a foot massage in bed." I mumbled, tensing my muscles as he hit a particularly sore part of my foot.

"C'mon, babe. I can still massage your feet in bed." He chuckled. I nodded, allowing him to pick me up. He did, carrying me bridal style towards my open bedroom door. I hooked my arms around his neck, leaning my head against his shoulder. He kicked off his shoes and threw his sweatshirt on the floor, setting me on the bed and getting in after me. I cuddled up against him, sighing into his neck.

"Roman, can I ask you something?" I asked suddenly, surprised in my own words. He nodded.


"Where do you see this going?" I avoided his gaze, having no idea what his reaction would be.

"What do you mean?" His tone was tight, but at least he was answering.

"I mean, like, we hang out, stay the night, talk about everything, but we haven't really gotten anywhere serious." I shrugged, but I really was curious to see what he thought, we never really talked about this stuff.

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