8. Oliver Wood and a pranking war?

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Days, weeks and eventually years had passed by quickly and The Black Queen had become a living legend among the students of Hogwarts. She currently was among the fifth year students, starting her O.W.L year.

The curly black haired girl was strutting down Diagon Alley in her combat boots. Heads turned and whispers followed her behind her back. The name of her uncle filled the air and her eyes wandered over the wanted posters that hung on the windowsills of several shops.

Salem Black resembled Sirius Black an awful lot, despite not being his daughter. She walked and talked like the man, had the air (and hair) of confidence that followed her everywhere, the mouth of a sailor and a lot of admirers and broken hearts at her feet.

But, she wasn't Sirius Black daughter and even though she resembled said man a lot, there were people that would recognise certain mannerisms of her's actually being Regulus' that he had passed down onto Salem.

Like the younger Black brother, she was always polite and graceful. And when she was, for example, drinking tea, Kreacher would always notice and tell her that she was drinking it exactly like her father, his master. She would stir her tea twice, before pouring a dash of milk inside her cup and then stir her tea some more before taking a sip with her right pinky in the air, and relishing in the sweet taste of her tea with closed eyes while sighing contently.

But Kreacher really saw master Regulus in the girl when she smiled... her eyes would light up, it was slightly crooked and just like when her father always smiled crow's feet would appear at her eyes.

The stories Kreacher told her about her father always made Salem happy and sad at the same time, happy to hear stories about her dad and how wonderful he was, but sad because she had no memory of him and wasn't ever going to meet him.

The fifteen year old made her way to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and noticed the two red heads that were already occupying a table. She grinned at the two boys whom had grown significantly since the last time she had seen them. Besides their increased height she also noted that they had tanned a bit (for their doing at least) and had more freckles littering their faces than ever before.

They looked handsome, especially Fred, Salem thought. Her cheeks reddened immediately at thinking in such a way and she quickly shook her head, getting rid of the random thought.

She had had a crush on him since last year and had made several moves, either he didn't notice or he didn't see her like that. And Salem sadly thought that it was the latter. So she pushed the red headed boy out of her thoughts and forced on a smile.

Fred and George finally caught side of her and grinned broadly. They enveloped her in a tight hug each, Fred lingering just a bit longer than his brother before he pulled back and they asked her which flavour of ice scream she would like.

"I would like a scoop of strawberry with white chocolate crackers, please." She smiled brightly and Fred nodded while eagerly walked inside the Parlour to get her sundae.

She heard George mutter 'whipped' under his breath, but paid him no mind, seeing that he didn't want her to hear. He probably was joking anyway, Fred didn't see her as anything else but his bestfriend and she was alright with that. She would rather have him as her bestfriend than not at all.

They made some small talk, waiting for Fred to return which he did in under two minutes. He placed the sundae in front of Salem and smiled softly at her when she closed her eyes and moaned quietly in pure bliss as she took a first bite. His eyes widened at the sound and he quickly averted his gaze, feeling his ears and cheeks heat up. He just hoped that she wouldn't notice. George, however, certainly did and when he made eye contact with his brother he noticed that he was smirking, making Fred glare at him.

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