33. The Champions

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Ever since Dumbledore's speech that evening prior to Halloween an excited buzzing had filled the halls of Hogwarts. All the students were gossiping happily about who they thought was going to be the champion for each respective school. It was no different for Salem and her group of friends.

"Warrington threw his name in early in the morning," Lee told her with an irritated tilt to his voice. Her eyes flitted over to the Slytherin table where Cassius was indeed grinning nonstop, obviously proud at having his name thrown into the Goblet of Fire. A soft smile tugged at her lips as she watched him, she was happy for him.

"Cedric told me last night that he's going to put his name in too, but I hope he doesn't get it for his sake. His dad puts way too much pressure on his shoulders..." Salem sighed and let her eyes wander from the Slytherin table in search of a certain brown haired boy. She found him seated at the Ravenclaw table next to Cho Chang.

"Whose dad?" George asked as he sat down across from Salem and grabbed a pastry. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him, not having forgotten about his remark earlier that morning. A smirk tugged at George's lips as he noticed her expression and he winked at her teasingly.

Salem flipped him the word and watched as Fred sat down next to his brother and poured himself some pumpkin juice as he looked at Salem as well, waiting for an answer.

"Diggory's dad."

The reaction was instant. A scowl appeared on both boys' their faces and more likely than not they were recalling what had happened that past Summer during the World Cup.

"Bloody git, I don't get how pretty boy Diggory has a giant git like him for a dad." Fred muttered under his breath and took a sip from his glass.

Salem merely shrugged. "I bet he's a good father to Cedric, Amos is proud of everything he does. But the man is lacking in other aspects of life."

George snorted. "That's one way of putting it."

"You sure you don't want to join in?" Fred asked as he grabbed a piece of toast from the large pile. He was referring to their Ageing Potion.

Salem smiled faintly while shaking her head. "I'm sure, I don't feel like getting into more danger than necessary."

He nodded in understanding and looked over at Lee with a raised eyebrow. The latter shook his head as well. "I'm sitting this one out as well."

George regarded his friends with a teasing glint in his eyes as he grinned broadly. "You both are such pansies!"

"Says you," Salem snorted as she snatched an apple off one of the fruit bowls. "Who was screaming for Fred this morning-"

"Well, considering that you were in his bed this morning..." Lee trailed off and George choked on his pastry as he began to laugh loudly. Salem smashed her fist into his arm earning a yelp from the boy who rubbed the sore spot immediately while watching her with a twinkle in his eyes. Her entire face had turned red and she stood up quickly while glaring at George and Lee. She didn't dare to look at Fred.

"I'll get back at you two, don't forget who I am you pricks."

Their laughter seized immediately and they gulped almost audibly. Their gaze followed her figure as she strode out of the Great Hall. The two boys looked at each other uneasily.

"She's joking, right?" Lee finally asked.

Fred chortled beside them, ears still a bright red from their earlier comment. He looked at his two friends in amusement. "You know full well that she isn't."


Salem was currently sitting next to Hermione on top of one of the tables as they made their homework while simultaneously watching who would enter their names into the Goblet of Fire. Harry and Ron were sitting on the benches below them while gawking at all the beautiful girls from Beauxbatons.

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