32. Midnight kisses

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Warning: Underage drinking

"I'm going to puke," Salem muttered before dashing off into the woods and throwing the contents of her stomach out against the forest ground. Macy had ran after her and was holding her hair back while rubbing her back soothingly.

Macy looked at the raven haired girl in concern, sure she had been piss drunk before, but this was something Macy hadn't experienced before. A twig snapped behind them and Macy whipped her head around quickly only to see George making his way over to them.

"Where's Lee?" Macy asked quietly as she noticed him missing.

"I left him with Angelina, Alicia and Katie. They promised to take care of him while I would help you out with Salem..." His eyes flickered over to girl who was still hunched over and squeezing her eyes tightly shut. "...Is she alright?"

"Could you not talk about me as if I'm not right here puking my guts out?" Salem rasped and shot him a glare over her shoulder, but before she knew it she felt another wave of nausea hit her and hurled once more. George winced and quickly looked away, he wanted to help her, but whenever he saw someone else throwing up he wouldn't be able to stop himself from joining the person. The best solution was to tune out the awful sound while offering mental support from a distance.

"Sorry, Sal," he said softly and turned his gaze back to hers as she had finished. Salem flicked her wrist and a glass of water appeared in her hand. She quickly rinsed the horrible taste out of her mouth and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"It's alright, Georgie." She offered him a small smile and gave one to Macy as well. "Thank you for holding my hair back, Mace... Let's head back to the party and enjoy it while we still can."

George and Macy glanced at each other in concern, they were worried for her. It didn't go unnoticed by Salem and she forced a fake, broad smile on her lips. "Come on, you two! Don't worry, I'm absolutely fine! You still owe me a dance..."

Reluctantly they nodded and together the three of them went back to the bonfire which was still in full swing.


It was around three at night when Macy had finally had had enough. She tried to wring the bottle of firewhiskey Salem was clutching to her chest out of her hands. "Sal, you've had enough!"

The girl let go of the bottle abruptly as she saw a figure nearing them. The soft glow of the fire illuminated the boy's face and Salem recognised him immediately, because how could she not after being friends with him ever since first year.

"Look whose back! Freddie boy!" She yelled loudly and giggled as she tripped over a castaway, empty bottle of vodka laying on the ground.

Fred looked absolutely horrified as he looked at the girl who was caught just in time by his twin brother, preventing her from falling face first into the dirt. "What the bloody hell is going on?"

George glared at his brother while quirking up an eyebrow. "Are you serious right now?"

Salem giggled and shook his shoulder slightly, trying to get his attention. He looked down at her in concern, afraid that she needed to puke again. Relief washed over him as she merely grinned up at him while giggling to herself. "Georgie, that's Fred, Sirius isn't here. How can you even confuse them, they don't look anything alike! Silly Georgie..."

"Look what you did!" George snapped at his brother. "She's that piss drunk that she's making those stupid puns again."

Salem pouted and wrung herself out of his arms. "My puns aren't stupid, I find them quite hilarious. Sirius would agree..."

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