31. An international bonfire

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Warning: Underage drinking

The bonfire and party were in full swing when the girls arrived. In the middle of the clearing was a big fire and several logs were placed around it for people to sit on. Earlier that afternoon the four of them had busied themselves with decorating the entire place.

Salem had charmed some pumpkins with carved in faces to float in the air and a soft glow was cast across the clearing from the light that emitted from them. Lee had taken care of the sound system and currently the melody of 'Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!' from ABBA echoed through the trees. Fred and George had taken it upon themselves to fix enough snacks for everyone and she assumed that they had called in help from the house-elves, considering that neither one of them was a great cook.

Most of the students of Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were already scattered across the place, talking animatedly to each other. Salem's eyes fell upon the group of Slytherins who was approaching the clearing as well, but from the other side. She noticed how they were looking around awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"I'll catch up with you guys later, alright? I have to fix something first," Salem told her friends and they nodded while glancing between her and the Slytherins warily.

"We'll be right here if you need us, Sal." Macy said and squeezed her hand once before letting the girl go and approach the group.

Salem strode over to them and smiled warmly. "Hi guys, you made it!"

They muttered an uncomfortable greeting, still not used to being welcomed by just about anyone outside their house with such a big grin. Their eyes were wandering over all the people present and they looked at the tables with stalled out snacks and alcohol in awe.

Cassius' mouth formed an 'O' as he realised something and he turned to look at her. He raised both his arms, making Salem's attention draw to the two bottles of firewhiskey and vodka he was holding in his hands. The others lifted up their arms as well and her eyes widened at the enormous amount of alcohol they had brought with them.

"We raided Snape's private stash." Graham smirked and he watched how a mischievous sparkle started to light up her eyes.

"What are you smirking about, Black?" Maggie asked skeptically.

Her smirk widened even more, if that was possible, and she eyed the bottles in their hands. "I challenge you all to do a drinking game with me."

Salem's confidence faltered slightly as wicked grins lighted up all five of their faces. It was Miles Bletchley who spoke up, his voice was deep and it almost sent a shiver down her spine. "Be prepared to lose, Black."

She recovered quickly and smirked at them once more while tilting her head. "We'll see about that, darling."


Salem was tipsy.

Thank Merlin for the fact that she wasn't drunk yet, but if she continued on like this she certainly would be.

They were playing a drinking game called Medusa. It would begin with everyone looking at the ground and on the count of three they had to look up and stare at another player. If you found yourself looking at someone who wasn't looking at you, then you were safe. But if you did find yourself looking directly into someone's eyes, then you had to shout out 'Medusa!' and take a shot.

She groaned loudly as she had to take another shot, it was the sixth one of that evening. She threw back the cup which held a small layer of vodka and scrunched up her face in disgust. As she opened her eyes again and let her gaze wander over Adrian, Miles, Graham, Cassius, Maggie and Sarah realisation dawned on her and she gasped in disbelief.

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