29. Constant vigilance

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The first day of school had begun and the corridors of Hogwarts were filled once more with students who were bustling about trying to get to their classrooms. Salem had just come out of her Alchemy class and was currently making her way over to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Out of all her friends she was the only one who had taken Alchemy, she was one of the few students who had taken the course. Cedric Diggory, Veronica Harrington, Roger Davies, Gemma Farley, Cassius Warrington and Maeve Owens had decided to take the class, therefore having enough sufficient demand as the bar of at least five persons had been fulfilled.

Salem was one of the last students to arrive at the classroom. Her eyes wandered over all people presents and she noticed that her friends were already seated at their usual spots, near the back. They looked at her apologetically as they saw the disappointment settle on her face that they weren't able to save her a seat. Her mood soured even more as she realised that the only available spot was next to someone she really didn't want to deal with.

Cassius Warrington.

Disgruntled she made her way over to the empty chair beside the boy and dumped her bag on top of the desk with a loud bang, earning a scowl from the Slytherin.

"What are you doing here, Black? Go find a spot with one of your Weasels." He sneered and Salem smiled at him sweetly. She took her wand out of her robe and twirled it between her fingers in a nonchalant manner all the while remaining eye contact with him.

"Insult them again and I won't hesitate to make you go bald permanently."

She eyed his wavy, brown hair which had grown back ever since that faithful day back in March. It would be a shame if she had to hex him once more, he looked far more handsome with hair than without.

The boy paled slightly at the threat and his scowl deepened. He was just about to retort when a dull clunking resonated through the classroom, alerting the Slytherins and Gryffindors of Alastor Moody's arrival.

It had gone completely silent the minute he had stepped inside and closed the doors. An excited tension filled the classroom as all the students looked on in anticipation.

Salem, however, frowned. She still hadn't figured out where she recognised him from. Maybe Remus would know...

The sound of a piece of chalk making contact with the blackboard at the forefront of the classroom made her focus snap back to the present. Moody had written his name on the board, it was funny how he thought that they weren't aware of who he was.

"Alastor Moody. Ex-Auror. Ministry malcontent. And your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher." His voice resembled much of a growl and only added to the intimidating picture he was already painting. His magical eye whirred around in its socket, Salem found it highly distracting as her attention continuously strayed back to the electrical blue eye.

The girl shot a look over her shoulder and was surprised to see that even Fred and George were paying attention. She winked at the former as she caught his eye and an amused smile and eye roll was sent her way.

"Go flirt with him another time, Black. You're distracting me." Warrington muttered under his breath at her, but his eyes never strayed from the ex-Auror who was writing something else on the blackboard in that moment.

"You don't have to compensate for your small dick by acting like a big one, Cassius."

His smirk slipped and his eyes blazed. His hand shot inside his robe to get ahold of his wand, but before he could do so the growling voice of Alastor Moody halted his actions.

"Mr Warrington, I advise you to keep that wand hidden inside your robes if I were you."

Salem stuck her tongue out at the boy and grinned victoriously. She didn't notice in time a piece of chalk sailing through the air and it hit her right in the face as she turned her head back, facing Moody. Cassius snickered beside her and hid his grin from their professor.

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