52. Taught by the teacher

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Well, I admit, it took a while, very sorry about that. But I hope this enormous chapter will make it up to you guys somehow ;)

11K+ words including a smutty scene (which I think was the perpetrator in a way for my writer's block, but I got over myself eventually so it's all fine now).

If you don't feel comfortable reading the sexy bit, you can skip over it as always :)

Enjoy <3

x Sanne


Warning: underage drinking, sexual content, containing choking and oral sex (⚠️⚠️⚠️)

Despite the 27th of February being Salem Maia Black's birthday, it also was another regular day of school. The teachers had put a stop to all the chanting of 'Dancing Queen', but every now and then a stray suit of armour would skip by, still belting out the lyrics while dancing ridiculously.

For Mrs Norris however...

The cat was doomed, and thus so was Filch, and therefore every student inside the castle. She didn't want to be caught and was currently still sprinting through the corridors. With the utmost care Salem, Fred, George, Macy and Lee avoided the caretaker. They were in absolute hysterics when faint melodies echoed through the halls, followed by angry profanities and cat-like hissing.

Obviously, Filch had ratted them out already to Professor McGonagall, and really they should've known that they wouldn't be spared from any repercussions, but being as high-spirited as they were, not once did that thought run through their minds. Not until the very minute they arrived in the Great Hall for breakfast.

Their laughter seized immediately when the woman raised from her chair at the High Table. She was striding over to them with determination; her eyes were spitting fire and her lips were pursed. To say she was angry would be an understatement.

"Well, fuck," Lee muttered under his breath and gulped almost audibly when their Head of House regarded him with a murderous glare.

"Should we run? She hasn't reached us yet–" Macy shuffled nervously on her feet and shot a look over her shoulder toward the stairs longingly.

"And be shot down in the back by Minnie? No, thank you..." George mused, but he too, looked rather uncomfortable as McGonagall was now halfway through the Great Hall. People were starting to stare, it wasn't often after all that they'd get to see an epic scolding from the Gryffindor Head of House.

"Salem, turn us invisible!" Lee whispered.

"And then what? She knows where we sleep, Lee!" Salem shot back incredulously.

"We'll just have to stay invisible forev–"

"I can not believe the five of you!" McGonagall's shrill voice pulled them out of their bickering.

"Shit, no opportunity to flee anymore..." Lee sighed dejectedly and his eyes widened when he realised that he'd actually said his thoughts out loud.

"Indeed, it would appear so, Mr Jordan," the older woman said and her lips thinned into a flat line. It took every ounce of Salem's self control to not burst out laughing, but she swallowed it down immediately when McGonagall'a gaze swivelled to her.

If it was able to let herself be swallowed whole by the ground she would've loved for it to happen in that moment. But alas, magic could do a lot, but even that was stretching it a bit much. She was happy, however, that she was able to hold in the urge to grimace as McGonagall's stern gaze remained steadily on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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