36. Dragons

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Salem's eyes ran over the note she had received from Fred during lunch. She was still sitting at the Slytherin table and she knew that while Fred would be disappointed she also knew that he would understand. Just because he had promised her that he would make it up to her didn't mean that she would start sitting them again all of a sudden and leave her new made friends.

George had offered her several smiles throughout the day and while Fred had also mentioned that his brother was feeling incredibly guilty she didn't return the smile until he came to her himself as well.

The note she had received from Fred had stated that him and George would be waiting for her in the Entrance Hall once dinner was over. Anticipation was building in her stomach as dinner neared closer and closer to an end. Salem didn't know what to expect, but she didn't think that that was something bad either.

"Are you alright, Sal?" Harry asked from beside her and Graham and Miles looked in her direction as well when they heard his concerned tone.

She smiled at them reassuringly. "I'm completely fine, Harry."

And she was completely fine. For the first time since weeks she didn't feel miserable when she let her eyes wander over to the Gryffindor table where her friends were seated and laughing with each other.

"Po– I mean, Harry," Maggie stuttered over her words. She had been trying the past week to start calling Harry by his first name instead of his surname, and Salem couldn't have been more thrilled. She appreciated it a lot that they had let her bring Harry along and now they were even starting to get on first name basis.

The boy in question glanced to his right and looked at her expectantly. Maggie frowned slightly while reciting something in her head. "Hagrid gave this to me, I just remembered that he wanted me to give it to you. He gave it to me during Care for Magical Creatures and thought that considering that you were sitting with us everyday I could pass it along to you."

She handed him a small piece of parchment and Harry's lips parted in surprise as he looked from the note to Maggie. "Thanks, Maggie."

The corner of her lips curved up in a small smile. "No problem, Harry."

Graham was smirking slightly at the exchange before he turned his attention back to Salem who was smiling softly as she stared at something on the other end of the Great Hall. His smirk widened as he cast a glance over his shoulder to see what she was looking at and his eyes landed on a certain red head who was smiling back at her goofily.

"You two are crushing so hard on each other, it's disgusting."

Salem's cheeks flared and she jerked back while stumbling over her words as she tried to think of a response, only earning more chuckles from the others. "I'm not crushing hard on Fred!"

Cassius tutted from beside Graham and his eyes sparkled with mirth. "We didn't mention your dear Freddie, now did we? You're only proving our point, Salem. You're utterly and irrevocably in love with the boy."

"You are, it's quite pathetic really," Harry teased from beside her and an indignant noise left her lips.

"You're one to talk, weren't you the one who spilled his drink all over himself, because Cho Chang looked your way?"

Now Salem wasn't the only one at the table with apple red cheeks and Harry was gaping at her like a fish while the others roared with laughter as they recalled the event.

"This is not about me!" He eventually mustered and ran a hand through his already messy black hair. "This is about you fawning all over Fred and him returning the favour. He better not hurt you again Salem, because I won't hesitate to hex him."

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