45. Eggstatic

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If anyone would've said that Salem had been on cloud nine ever since the Yule Ball, they would've been completely right. She was always smiling and her eyes were sparkling like never before. Everything had fallen into place for her and not even the upcoming doom the Second Task should've made her feel could dampen her mood.

Macy on the other hand was the complete opposite. After her first date with George, which had been the Yule Ball, she had been ecstatic, thinking it had gone great considering that they had kissed that evening as well. Apparently though, George hadn't felt the same way. After two days of having to think things through, and going to Salem for advice on how to go about the whole thing, he had pulled Macy aside and told her that he felt that they were better off as friends.

The girl had accepted it of course, after all you can't force someone's feelings, but that didn't mean she wasn't devastated and slightly hurt. So, Salem had made it her mission these past few days to cheer her friend up. They had eaten immense amounts of ice cream, pranked Karkaroff by enchanting snowballs to hit him everywhere he went (he hadn't found a solution for the problem until Flitwick decided to help him out during dinner) and simply gossiped with each other like no tomorrow.

Salem was lost deep in thought, thinking of more ways to cheer Macy up, when Harry suddenly plunked down next to her in the library where she was supposed to work on her Potions essay.

"Sal, have you figured the egg out yet?" He asked her. A sigh escaped her lips and she shook her head no, the boy let out a miserable whine and let his face fall into his hands. "We're going to die, if even you haven't figured it out yet..."

Salem snorted and squeezed Harry's shoulder comfortingly while a small smile played on her lips. "We're not going to die, Harry... Besides Dumbledore likes you way too much to actually let something bad happen to you."

This time it was Harry's turn to let out a snort and a mischievous glint started to glimmer in his eyes as he stared at Salem with a crooked smile. "By the way, I heard McGonagall and Dumbledore talking, ignoring the fact that everybody could hear them, guess what they were talking about?" 

She looked at him with intrigue and raised an eyebrow. "How Snape should really wash his hair?"

Harry chuckled softly, but shook his head no. "Snape was in the story, but it wasn't about him."

The smile he sent her way made alarm bells go off in her head, but she couldn't place what he was hinting at. So, she narrowed her eyes at Harry and waited for the boy to continue.

"Apparently, Snape caught several students messing about in the carriages...and McGonagall was ecstatic about two students in specific being caught–" he gave her a pointed look with a smug grin on his face "–and what made it even more fun, was the fact that Dumbledore now owed her ten Galleons. The two of them seemingly bet on when you two would get together, considering that you two haven't really gone official yet, the being caught having sex in the carriage did the job for them."

"I did not have sex with Fred in that carriage!" Salem shrieked all but mortified. If Harry had heard Dumbledore and McGonagall then surely he wouldn't have been the only one. She was fucked, because obviously Sirius and Remus were going to find out. And while the latter supported her, he would go and wolf down Fred if he heard about that particular rumour. Sirius would be nothing compared to Remus' anger.

Harry laughed loudly and quickly slapped his hand over his mouth while looking over his shoulder with wide eyes. He grimaced when the hurried footsteps of none other than Madam Pince came their way and within seconds she was standing beside their table with her hands on her hips, glaring the both of them into oblivion. "Out... now!"

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