24. Lovely reunions

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The Hogwarts Express was huffing and puffing along the trail and the beautiful Scottish Highlands passed by in the windows of the train. Salem's fifth year had officially ended and now she just had to wait for her results to be delivered on her doorstep, but currently that was the last thing on her mind. Her thoughts kept going back to the moment Fred had kissed her, albeit when he had been drunk, he still kissed her. 

They hadn't mentioned it to each other the following morning, Salem was afraid that he had forgotten all about it and lacked the famous Gryffindor courage in that moment to confront him about the kiss. She was afraid that it had been a drunken mistake on his part, so she would rather think back to it fondly than having her fear become a reality.  

A loud and sudden gasp caught her attention. She turned to look at Lee who had been the one to make the noise and he was pointing an accusing finger at her while grinning from ear to ear. "You're the Black Queen!"

George scoffed and let out a laugh. "You're a bit slow, mate, I knew that the minute she told me everything."

Lee shot the boy a glare, but ignored his jab and instead focused his attention solely on Salem. Her eyes flitted to the door of the compartment, to make sure that it was closed before she answered him with a confirming nod. Lee pumped his hand in the air while yelling excitedly. He danced around in the middle of the small room earning amused laughs from his friends.

When he finally sat back down again he looked utterly starstruck. He couldn't believe that he was sitting across from the person he had worshipped since the day he had found out about the chicken prank with Snape, not to mention that the notorious legend was one of his best friends. "How did you manage to pull all that off? I mean, you explained that you had powers and all, but I forgot to ask which powers those were."

Macy, George, Lee and Fred were all looking at her now in curiosity. A slow smirk settled on her lips and she decided to let them suffer for a bit longer in anticipation. 

The four of them groaned in aggravation and Macy took it upon herself to grab Salem by the shoulders and shake the girl. "Tell us, Sal!"

Salem laughed and relented. "All right, all right! I'll tell you, but let me go first..."

Macy immediately let go of the girl, as if she had been burned. Salem righted herself and wiggled around on the bench to find a comfortable position. She was leaning with her back against the window with one foot casually resting on the floor and her other tucked under her leg. 


They all leaned closer a bit, much to Salem's amusement, but she decided to let it slide and actually tell them about her abilities.

"There are actually quite a few things which I can do, one of them being able to transform into anything and anyone as long as I know what the object, person or creature looks like. I perfected it over the years with Dumbledore's help, because during our first year I really had down how to morph my voice into a deeper one. Sometimes my hair changes colour as well when I don't have my emotions under control, I had a lot of trouble with that this year...

"But do you guys remember the time during first year when we went to Snape's office that I was able to hear that he was in his office?"

The four teenagers nodded at her and she let them ponder over it for a bit, giving them the opportunity to come to a conclusion themselves. George snapped his fingers in realisation as it dawned on him.

"You have enhanced hearing!"

Salem nodded and grinned at him. Proud at the fact that he had caught on so quick. "Yes, I have...and if you think about any other appearances of the Black Queen what else do you think I can do?"

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