28. Dumbledore's announcement

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The front door of the Burrow slammed open and Mrs Weasley, Sirius and Remus came rushing out. The two men didn't pay much attention to the fact that Fred Weasley had his arm wrapped around the girl's waist.

Harry's expression brightened at seeing his Godfather and along with Salem he was wrapped in a tight hug by both Sirius as Remus. It was still a bit strange to the boy how he was hugging his former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but he shrugged it off and simply enjoyed the embrace.

"Are you two alright?" Sirius asked and concern laced his voice.

Remus eyes zeroed in on the purple bruisings around her neck and he gingerly ran his fingertips over the markings in concern. A faint smile graced Salem's lips in an effort to reassure him, but Remus saw right through it and pressed her tightly against his chest. Her lip trembled and she sniffed softly as she buried her face in the grey sweater he was wearing. He ran his hand through her hair tenderly as he cooed at her that she was safe.

Sirius gazed at his niece worriedly and looked at Harry questioningly, but before the boy could answer someone else had beaten him to it. It had been one of the twins, the two had finally freed themselves from their mother's bone crushing hug.

"A Death Eater got to her."

Salem pulled back slightly and quickly wiped the remaining tears out of her eyes, not wanting anyone to see her crying. Sirius eyes snapped to her throat and he clenched his jaw at the sight.

"Tell me his name." He growled out lowly, eyes flashing dangerously.

She smiled sadly at him while shaking her head. "I don't know his name..."

A sudden thought struck Fred's mind and without so much as uttering an explanation he sprinted inside and up the stairs, disappearing from view. The others stared after him in confusion and looked at George for an answer, the latter merely shrugged.

George, however, didn't have to say anything to them at all for Fred had returned already with a small jar. He stopped in front of Salem and screwed the lid off, revealing a bright purple ointment.

Sirius looked at it with disgust. "What is that?"

Fred was hesitant to answer. His eyes flicked over to his mother who was looking at the small jar in curiosity before supplying Sirius with a reply. "It's an ointment George and I invented, it removes bruising and swelling. We tested it on ourselves, it's safe..."

He dipped his fingers inside the ointment and tilted Salem's head back slightly. He carefully ran his fingers over her throat muttering an apology each time the girl flinched as he touched a particular sore spot.

"...it takes a few minutes before the skin completely absorbs it though, but after that the bruises will be completely gone."

His mother had stayed awfully quiet and when Fred looked in her direction once more he saw that her eyes had watered a bit. The woman breathed in deeply and forced a smile on her face. "Let's go inside everyone, I will make some tea."

She ushered everyone inside and Fred's arm snaked around Salem's waist once more, squeezing her side in comfort. The girl leaned into his touch and walked alongside him to his home. Everyone noticed Fred's protective behaviour, but this once they decided to let it slide and not tease the boy. All of them had been through enough as it was.

Bill and Charlie helped their mother in the kitchen. They provided everyone with a cup and several minutes later they all enjoyed a nice, steaming cup of tea along with a piece Mrs Weasley's famous fudge.

Fred turned his head to look at Salem and tried to tuck her hair behind her ear to get a better view of her throat. She looked at him questioningly and he smiled at her softly. "I just wanted to check if the ointment did its job."

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