16. Nightmarish experiments

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Warning: Abuse, fighting, human experimenting 

Salem was but a mere little girl, only one year old and she was loved and adored by her father greatly.

Regulus Black was blowing raspberry's on his daughter's cheek and in her neck and high squeals and happy giggles filled the dark and miserable house of the Black's. Happiness and cheerfulness had never filled the house, but with Salem living there it was as if the sun had taken it as a sanctuary.

Regulus looked at his child with love and hugged her tighter to his body. He would protect his little girl with all he had.

A sudden burn on his left arm made him hiss in pain, and he regarded the dark mark that graced his arm irritably. The Dark Lord was calling him and a sigh of defeat left his mouth. 

The little girl in his arm looked up at him in concern, but smiled toothily when her father peppered her face with kisses. Her small hands mushed Regulus' cheeks together and she gave him a big wet kiss earning a chuckle from him. He looked at her in defeat and then back to his left arm where the dark mark still burned irritably. 

"Kreacher?" Regulus called out and with a pop! the elf of the Black household was standing beside his master.

"Yes, master Regulus?" Kreacher bowed deeply for his master and looked at the man he held so dearly to heart.

"Could you look after Salem for me, he's calling for me..."

If it would have been possible for house elves to pale, Kreacher would definitely have done so at the mere mentioning of the Dark Lord. He nodded in understanding at his master and carefully took the small girl in his slender arms.

"I will take care of little mistress Salem until you return, master Regulus." Kreacher said and bowed his head one last time before scuffling out of the room with his daughter. 

Regulus followed them with his eyes and hissed once more as the burning on his left arm went up another notch, the Dark Lord wasn't a patient man. He straightened himself and closed his eyes focusing on his dark mark. He let go of all control in his body and let himself be guided through the process of disapparating out of his house and to the desired location his master wanted him to be at. 

Within seconds he was standing in the Malfoy manor and was welcomed by the black fence which was meant to ward off any uninvited visitors. It was opened by Fenrir Greyback, Regulus scowled at him and rewarded him with a disgusted look. He'd rather be changing diapers all his life than being in the same vicinity as that man. 

"Filthy half blood," he spat at the werewolf as a way of greeting. 

Greyback bared his sharp teeth in a mocking smile as he stepped aside to let the man inside. Despite him being only eighteen years old, everything about Regulus Black screamed dominance. From the hard look in his signature grey eyes that could turn anything to stone to his drawn back shoulders which made him seem even more intimidating to the beautiful clothes that adorned his body. 

He had nicked some of Sirius' clothes, but he was never going to admit it to his older brother's face that he had a sense of fashion than him. Hell would freeze over before he did that.

Regulus walked to the manor with big, determined strides and pushed open the doors with as much aggressiveness he could manage, not giving a care in the world if he smashed them through the wall. The Malfoy's had it coming anyway.

He stalked his way through the hallway and entered the dining room where everyone was seated around the table already. Every pair of eyes turned to him and he saw Severus lifting an eyebrow at his tardiness. He turned his attention to the Dark Lord and bowed his head slightly in respect. 

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