11. The downfall of the famous Fred Weasley

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Fred was screwed, and he knew it.

He should have never made that bet with Salem, because right now he was paranoid at everything she did. He at least hoped that he looked calm and collected on the outside, since his insides had gone haywire. But as he noticed the amused twinkle in Salem's eyes he knew that he hadn't been successful at hiding his nervousness.

"Don't look so smug, Black." He warned her with narrowed eyes.

She looked at him with big innocent doe eyes, a look she had perfected over the years and had gotten out a lot of trouble with. "I have no idea what you're on about Freddiekins."

He glared at her and cursed her under his breath, earning a laugh from the raven haired girl. His mouth quirked up at the sound, she had always had a beautiful laugh that could make him smile as well.

He quickly shook his head, getting rid of the thought and continued drawing doodles on his History of Magic notes while professor Binns droned on about one of the Goblin wars.

He felt Salem scooting closer, her breath on his ear. His heartbeat quickened at her close proximity. Her lips were grazing his ear and he felt them slowly turning as red as his hair.

"It's alright to be afraid, Freddie... You should be afraid, you underestimated me."

The hair on the back of his neck raised and a shiver went down his spine. He royally screwed up, but no turning back now.

"Oh yeah?" He questioned her bravely and looked her square in the eye. "Prove it to me Black."

They gazed at each other, longer than any other normal person would do. But then again, their relationship wasn't entirely normal, despite them not knowing it yet.

"Merlin, the sexual tension between you guys is simply unbelievable." Grumbled George from behind them. He was sitting next to Macy who snickered at Fred and Salem's reddening faces.

Salem opened her mouth in protest, but was interrupted before she could give George a piece of her mind.

"Miss Black, would you like to share with the rest of the class what is so important that you're not paying attention to my tale about the Goblin Rebellions of the eighteenth century?" Professor Binns asked and glared at the girl who had disrupted his class.

Salem's cheeks reddened again and she heard Fred snicker which he tried to cover up with coughing. She kicked him in the shins, making Fred yelp in pain and threw him a deadly glare before looking back at Professor Binns with a sickly sweet smile.

"Nothing is as important as your lesson about the Goblin Rebellions, Professor. I'm sorry for the disruption, you won't hear me again."

The Professor narrowed his eyes for a few seconds at the girl and grunted before he continued on with droning on about his favourite historic event.

"Nothing is as important as your lesson about the Goblin Rebellions, Professor," Fred mocked with a high pitched voice.

"You're going to die Fred Weasley, be afraid, be very afraid." Salem muttered darkly while glaring at him.

Fred's heart sank.


The castle was surrounded in darkness now the night had fallen. All the students were, to Filch's satisfaction, in their beds.

Well, that was what Argus Filch hoped at least, because right as he turned around a corner two red mops of hair appeared from behind a pillar watching the shape of Hogwarts' janitor closely.

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