44. Labels

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Warning: steamy scene (⚠️⚠️⚠️)

"Would you like a drink?" Fred asked and motioned at his throat as he elaborated quickly, "My throat is quite dry from all the dancing and screaming."

"I'd love a drink," Salem smiled.

The two walked towards the side of the room and the girl's cheeks reddened when Fred pressed a kiss to it before sauntering off toward the table with refreshments. When Salem's eyes fell on the clock an hour later she noticed that it was now a quarter past eight in the evening and Ron and Harry hadn't moved from their spot.

Her good mood turned sour very quickly at the two fourteen year olds who were pouting and not paying attention to their dates. With a scowl she marched right over to them and Ron all but paled when she stood in front of them. Salem was awfully scary when she looked angry.

"Ron, Harry, why aren't you two over there–" she pointed over her shoulder at the middle of the Great Hall where it was bustling with activity "–dancing with your lovely dates?"

Padma and Parvati had looked slightly afraid of the girl as well when she approached, but they perked up immediately when realisation dawned on them that she was there to help them.

To say that the answers of Ron and Harry were unsatisfactory would be an understatement. Harry was all but gaping, trying to form words, but nog being able to and Ron merely shrugged, not really caring enough to muster a real answer.

Salem's scowl deepened. "I hope you two are fucking joking right now, right?"

The boys flinched as the curse all but spewed from her lips and they shared an uncomfortable look.

"When you ask someone to be your date to a ball the least you can do is dance with them or make sure they're having a good time. Padma, Parvati, are you having a good time right now?"

They looked like deer caught in headlights and Ron was glaring murderously at Padma, silently daring her to say that she wasn't enjoying her time. But the girl only narrowed her eyes at his reaction before turning to Salem in determination and shaking her head. "No, I want to dance and enjoy my evening like you and all the others have been doing so far."

"So, Ron, don't act like a complete dick and take her for a dance. Stop sulking over Hermione and the fact that Viktor asked her like a gentleman instead of you, who downright insulted her by saying 'Oh Hermione, you're a girl', because no shit Sherlock she's a girl–" Ron made a sound of protest, but one furious glare from Salem and his mouth zipped shut immediately "–and start paying attention to the girl who actually went with you to the ball. Otherwise you could've stayed up in your dorm room, because nobody is enjoying you looking like you're ready to bite anyone's head off!"

"I'm not mad about Hermione going with Krum! And I certainly don't look like I'm ready to bite anyone's head off!"

"You do, Ronald." Fred piped up when he appeared at Salem's side suddenly and handed her a glass of punch. She smiled gratefully at him and took a sip of it, scrunching up her nose when the taste of fire whiskey hit her tongue. Merlin, the person who spiked these drinks really wanted to get everyone drunk within no time. "You look like someone permanently attached a Dung Bomb to your arse and slipped you a Ton-Tongue Toffee on top of that as well."

Ron glared at his older brother and slid down lower in his seat while folding his arms in front of his chest.

"By the way, Harry, the same goes for you. I'm sorry that Cedric beat you to it with asking Cho to the ball and that she said yes, but that doesn't make it right that you're ignoring Parvati and ruining her night for her by sitting here pouting."

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