42. A letter bearing bad news

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Salem smiled contentedly to herself as she let her eyes wander through the Gryffindor common room. She snuggled closer in the corner of the sofa and pulled the blanket tighter around herself. The fire was crackling soundly and all her friends were sitting around the hearth while chatting happily.

It was busier in the Gryffindor Tower than it usually was during the Holiday, or at least that was what Harry had told her. Most of the Christmas holidays she had spent at home with Remus, but considering that the Yule Ball was held during this one she had decided to stay, like most students.

Harry, Ron and Hermione walked in and she locked eyes with the messy black-haired boy. Salem eyed the letter in his hand and she shot a questioning look his way. He motioned with his head that she should follow, so she gently removed herself from the corner and walked over to them.

Pigwidgeon was chirping loudly as he flapped around the room, now that Ron had let the small creature slip out of his hold. Most students were wat hing the bird in amusement and some girls from second year cooed at it. But Salem didn't pay the flying animal any mind for her attention was solely on the letter where she saw Sirius' handwriting scribbled upon.

"Did you write Sirius? What's going on?"

Harry looked at her a bit sheepishly and a wave of annoyance washed over her as she realised that the boy had kept something from her, again. Hermione sighed, rolled her eyes at Harry and answered for him. "He's been having nightmares and his scar is hurting again."

Salem looked at the green-eyed boy in exasperation. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, you looked stressed out enough without my problems on top of it as well! And besides, my scar doesn't hurt anymore, don't worry." He shrugged once more. "Anyways, Sirius wanted me to keep him up to date with everything and I wrote about the First Task and everything."

Salem went to stand behind him as Harry opened the letter and her eyes skimmed over the page. She swallowed thickly as she saw Sirius' warning of Karkaroff and mentally kicked herself for not thinking things over more properly. With everything that had been going on with Fred, the Yule Ball and not to mention the First Task she hadn't batted another eye at who could've possibly put Harry and her name in the Goblet.

"Sirius thinks Karkaroff put our names in the Goblet? But how in the world would he benefit from that?" She eventually asked quietly.

"Because he's a death eater–" Harry started.

"I know that, but that doesn't explain how he would benefit from it. Voldemort is gone and assuming that Karkaroff is a convicted Death Eater he won't be on a good foot with most people. Because the only way to get out of Azkaban is by snitching on others... So, why would he put our names in when he willingly threw his former 'friends' to the wolves. It makes no sense at all." She cried out.

The three friends raised their eyebrows at her and it was Ron who voiced their disbelief. "You knew about Karkaroff? Why didn't you tell us?"

Salem merely shrugged. "Didn't seem all that important. Besides if I had to share every little bit of information I have on just about anything with the least bit of significance, we would be sitting here for days..."

The three fourth years pursed their lips, clear disapproval on their faces, but didn't say anything. "On a lighter note, have you two finally gotten yourselves a date or are you going together?"

Harry and Ron turned red in the face and both of them shook their head 'no' rather viciously at the suggestion.

Salem snorted and looked at them a bit disbelievingly. "Chill! There's nothing wrong with two boys going with each other to the ball."

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