48. Not all treasure is silver and gold

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Salem was trembling as she plunked down on the wooden bench of the small dingy. She rubbed her arms vigorously trying to warm herself and her teeth were chattering from the cold.

With a disgruntled sigh Lee handed her his coat and mittens. "Put those on and quit your dramatics."

"Why didn't you bring your own coat again?" George asked teasingly as he watched how elated she got over Lee's generosity.

Salem scowled at him as she grumbled a reply. "Because I didn't think I'd need one, after all I'd discard of it the moment they'd let us all line up for the Task."

Macy rolled her eyes as she hugged her own knees to her chest and curled closer to Lee's side. "I told you that it would take a while before we'd get to the platform. It's in the middle of the bloody Lake!"

And indeed the platform was in the middle of the Black Lake. Every student was piled into a dingy which led them to three metal towers which had a perfect view of the water. Salem was still wondering how they'd all see what was going on underwater, considering that everybody was above water.

Her stomach was churning as the daunting view of the three metal towers came closer and closer. The anxiety of having to save Fred and her other friends was gnawing away at her. Her confidence and bravado may have looked indestructible from the outside, but inside it was hanging by a thin line. What if she failed? What if she wasn't as good as she made everyone else believe?

A daunting and scornful laugh from none other than a certain blond cousin disturbed her thoughts. "Potter doesn't stand a chance, neither does Black! After all their parents haven't managed to stay alive in the face of a challenge either."

The mocking laughter of Draco and his friends filled her ears and her stomach churned again, this time though, it was because of the fury and outrage she felt. Her eyes were shooting flames as she whipped her head around to look at their boat and without thinking twice she jerked two fingers upward, making the boat flip spectacularly high up in the air. Frightened screams left the fourth years' mouths as they went soaring and were silenced as soon as they crashed into the Black Lake.

"Fucking piece of shit," Salem snarled under her breath as she watched in satisfaction how the five teenagers swam desperately toward their capsized boat, throwing themselves on the floating thing. "I can't believe I'm related to him."

"Well, that's one way to go about it," George smirked and his eyes sparkled with mirth as he eyed Draco who resembled a drowned cat.

The last few minutes of their journey went by peacefully. Salem could not have been more grateful for that. She wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with all the thoughts milling through her head. Their boat bumped against the dock softly and they took Hagrid's hand when he offered to pull them up on the platform.

"Thanks, Hagrid," Salem said softly as she gazed up at the half-giant.

"Don't worry about it, yer going to destroy them ye know? You and Harry will show 'em how it's really done." He grinned proudly and his eyes were sparkling. Salem's heart warmed at his faith in her and Harry. Well, if even Hagrid believed that they could do it then why wouldn't they actually be able to do it?

The impatient tapping of someone's foot caught their attention and when the two of them turned their heads they noticed how Percy was looking at the both of them quite irritatedly. "Hurry up, will you?! We don't have all day..."

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