26. The journey to the World Cup

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Every member of the Weasley family and Harry, Hermione and Salem were seated at the table. Mrs Weasley had outdone herself once more with her culinary skills as more than enough food for the twelve people present appeared on top of the table. She sent Harry a wink who was sitting at the other end of the table. He looked eagerly at all the food which was stalled out in front of him and handed his plate over to Mrs Weasley who began to scoop food onto it.

Salem was sitting next to Bill and Percy and across from Fred, George and Charlie. Percy was discussing his report on cauldron bottoms and their thickness with his father extensively. The girl instead focused her attention on Mrs Weasley who was reprimanding Bill's fashion sense.

"...and then with such a horrible big fang dangling from it. You can't be serious, Bill! What do they say about it at the bank?"

"Mum, they don't give a rat's arse about how I dress, as long as I keep bringing in lots of gold and treasures," he answered patiently.

"And your hair, it's terrible." The woman went on and caressed her wand in thought as she looked at Bill's ponytail. "I wish that you would let me cut it..."

"I think it makes Bill look quite handsome," Salem piped up as she swallowed down a piece of potato. "It gives him this rugged, dangerous look, I bet if I asked some of my friends that they would agree."

Bill turned his face toward her with an amused smirk. He slung his arm around her shoulders and wiggled his eyebrows at her teasingly. "Now, would you look at that mother, I have a secret admirer."

Well, if he wanted one he could get one, Salem thought with a roll of her eyes.

"Oh Merlin, yes Bill, I've been secretly admiring for you for years and now...you found out! The moment you walked out of your bedroom in those boxers with those cute little nifflers on them I was a goner!" She pretended to faint, but grabbed the lapels of his shirt to pull herself back up again. She grabbed his face with one of her hands, squishing his cheeks together and lined her own up next to his while gesturing with a wave of her hand at the world around them. "Now we can go explore the world and live happy ever after together!"

Charlie and George were looking at the two with entertained grins, Fred however didn't look as amused as his brothers.

"Fucking finally you acknowledge my existence, let's go woman!" Bill yelled out as he ripped his face out of Salem's hold and started kissing her entire face earning disgusted squeals and giggles from the girl who was trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

A potato smashed against the side of Bill's head. "Oi! You don't have to eat her face off!"

Bill looked up and smirked devilishly at his younger brother who was glaring at him. George and Charlie glanced at each other with excited grins, waiting for the witty comeback that they knew was to come.

"Perhaps I should leave that to you then, Freddie. I bet you would just love to eat her face o-"

Both Fred and Salem had turned a bright scarlet and avoided looking at each other at all costs. The wooden spatula whipped against the back of Bill's head and he cried out in pain. He rubbed with his hand over the now sore spot and shot an angry look at his mother.

"Stop teasing the boy and eat your potatoes, Bill." Mrs Weasley said sternly, but it had the wanted outcome because Bill, albeit grumpily, filled his mouth with one of the potatoes that was left on his plate.

"Yes, eat your potatoes, Bill," Fred mocked with a smug grin earning a kick from his older brother against his shins. A pained groan slipped past his lips and both of them continued scowling at one another while eating until their plates were empty.

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