51. Dancing Queen

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Warning: sexual content (⚠️⚠️⚠️)

As promised the next morning Salem had told the rest of her friends about her worries as well and Snape would be more than happy if he found out how well they watched her. She was aware that in the future it could become annoying, but if it meant that she'd be safe then she'd be more than willing to sacrifice a little bit of her freedom for her life.

Fred hadn't left her side since the news and she found it quite adorable how protective he had gotten of her. She rather enjoyed the extra attention she received from him, not only in the sense of him being around her all the time, but also in the sense that he had gotten more touchy with her. He would want to hold her hand everywhere they went, placing his hand on her thigh during breakfast or during class and wrap his arm over her shoulders whenever they were sitting in the common room.

Salem was not complaining in the slightest, if anything she wanted to take their relationship a step further...

It was currently the 26th of February and tomorrow was her birthday, the twins had come up with something to make sure that everyone was aware of it, like they did every year. They were sitting in front of the fireplace, George and Lee in the chairs to the left and Macy in a chair to her right while Fred and her had claimed the couch. She was nestled against his chest contentedly and drawing patterns on his stomach leisurely.

"Are you excited, Sal?" George asked with a grin.

"Only four more hours!" Lee yelled when the clock struck eight and he was practically jumping up and down in his chair with glee.

"I'm looking forward to it, but I don't think I'm more excited than Lee, that's just impossible." She laughed when Lee poked his tongue at her. "What have you guys planned for this year?"

"They're not telling you, Sal. George, wouldn't even tell me when I asked him about it." Macy said and shot a disgruntled look the redhead's way who merely smiled in return.

Salem smirked coyly and sat up straighter against Fred before turning her head to face him, watching his eyes widen comically. She jutted out her lower lip in a pout and gave him her best puppy-eyes she could manage.

"No, Sal, no, I'm not telling you–" He tried to move away from her, trying to escape her grasp, but she wouldn't let him escape all that easily.

"Please, Freddie!" She said and leaned in toward his ear adding with a sultry voice, "I'll make it worth your while."

Fred's cheeks turned a bright scarlet much to Salem's enjoyment and Lee and George were yelling loudly for him to shut up and keep quiet. When he turned his head however, she noticed how close to giving in he was, so she closed the distance between them until their lips were a mere breath away all the while her fingers kept drawing patterns up and down his chest.

"Oh, no you don't, Fred!" George suddenly leaped out of his chair and grabbed Salem around her waist, hauling her away from his brother. "I'll keep you with me, missy, can't have you bewitching my poor brother into succumbing to your advances."

Fred shook his head and cleared his throat, still very much flustered. He discreetly adjusted himself in his trousers, but Salem had noticed and when she caught his gaze once more she winked at him, making him mutter profanities under his breath and quickly diverting his eyes from her.

"Merlin, I can't deal with the two of you," Lee said and pulled a disgusted face.

"Aahw, Lee, you just had to say so if you wanted some lovin', come here my sweet boy!" Salem wriggled her way out of George's arms and clambered toward Lee's chair. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and patted his head in an exaggerated manner, much like one would stroke his dog. When he tried to throw her off him she simply clung tighter to his body, so with a disgruntled sigh he sat back in his chair and accepted his defeat.

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