21. Uncovering the truth

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Author's Note:

Alright, the ending of the third year really wasn't supposed to drag on this long, it's still not finished. Two more chapters to go, I hope, but we're almost there.

Warning: this chapter is incredibly long, but I wasn't able to split it in half this time, because it all happens in the same timespan...

Anyways, enjoy :)

x Sanne


"Enough talk, Remus," Sirius said as he stood up abruptly and watched the rat with a crazed look in his eyes. "Let's kill him!"

Sirius was ready to walk over to Ron and grab it out of his hands by force, but Remus blocked his way while holding his hands up in front of him in defense.

"Wait, Sirius," Remus tried, "They deserve to know why."


Salem snorted and looked at her uncle in amusement. "I'm going to use that from now on when you're taking too long again."

Sirius shot her a glare and mocked her by silently parroting her words back to her which made her laugh even more. "Real mature, Pluto, real mature."

She had started calling him that as a joke and it had stuck. To say that her uncle wasn't all that happy that he was named after Mickey Mouse's dog and a wannabe planet was an understatement, therefore all the more reason to use the name whenever she was with him.

Remus choked on a laugh behind Sirius, but quickly hid his mirth when the latter shot him a deadly glare. Salem poked her tongue out at her dad for getting caught and he merely shook his head at her  while looking away, but she saw the tilt of his lips and a proud grin adorned her face at the fact that she made him smile. 

Sirius growled in frustration and focused back on the task at hand, snatching Peter Pettigrew out of Ron's hands. With all the theatric antics of Sirius Salem hadn't paid close attention to the sound of another pair of footsteps coming up the stairs until it was too late. 

Her eyes widened as she took in her Potions professor. She raised her wand, but was too slow for he disarmed her before she could utter even a single letter. 


Her wand flew through the air and Snape caught it effortlessly. He narrowed his eyes at the girl and let his gaze drift over all the people who were present in the room, resting on Sirius and a smug smirk started to form on his face.

Salem balled her fist, ready to blast Snape back down the stairs if he was going to try anything. 

"Don't you dare, Black, you're in enough trouble as it is." 

"One more crime to add to that list shouldn't matter much then." She sneered with a bitter smile. 

"Salem." Remus warned her in a reprimanding tone. He tried to take a cautious step forward to Snape, but the moment Remus moved Snape's wand was directed at him and a wicked grin lit up his entire face. 

"You're probably wondering how I knew that you were here."

"I'm more wondering when you'll leave again,"  Salem muttered quietly under her breath as she glared at her Potions professor. Sadly, he heard her.

"Silencio!" He pointed his wand at Salem and when she tried to curse at him she was rendered mute. Sirius' nostrils flared and with bared teeth he made a move to attack Snape, rearing his right hand back to hopefully let it collide with his enormous nose, but he was halted in his actions when Snape aimed his wand back at her uncle. 

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