B O N U S : Ode to Freddie

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It was the 24th of November, it was a cold and windy day, like any other depressing day during the winter. It represented exactly the way Salem Black felt right at that moment, sad and down, a mood as dark as the colour of the outside sky.

She had just received a letter from uncle Remus with the news that her biggest inspiration had passed away, only one day after the news of his illness had reached the world.

The great man that was Freddie Mercury had passed away at only 45 years old.

She was gazing at the scenery that Hogwarts was enveloped in and let her eyes wander over to the bright starts that littered across the obsidian sky. Freddie probably was one of them now, and most definitely one of the brightest with his beautiful personality.

Salem swore then and there that she was going to bring an ode to Freddie that following day, that's the least he deserved after all the wonderful music he created along with Roger, Brian and John.

"I'm going to rock Hogwarts for you, Freddie." She whispered quietly into the night and smiled up at the stars.


After the past few years and all the practice Salem had done, she now fully mastered the ability to change into other people including morphing her voice in such a way that she sounded exactly like the people she changed into.

Salem was walking confidently down the corridors, making her way to the Great Hall. The eyes of the portraits followed her curiously at seeing the determined twinkle in her eye. She turned around a corner and was now standing in the Entrance Hall, a wicked grin lit up her face as she swung the doors open.

It was completely empty.

All the students were in their classes along with the teachers. She was going to give them a show that's for sure.

She closed the doors after her quietly and made her way to the table where the teachers were always seated. With a flick of her wrist she had changed out of her Hogwarts uniform and into the famous outfit he wore at a performance in the Wembley Stadium. Her body was adorned in white trousers with a red stripe down either leg, embellished in gold, a white tanktop with a deep v-neck and the yellow, military-style cropped coat.

Now the only thing that needed to change was herself.

Salem closed her eyes and concentrated on Freddie's physical appearance. Her whole body was warming up, readying itself for the change. Her legs were growing longer along with her arms, her chest deflated and was covered in black chest hair and last but not least was her face. The feminine version of Sirius Black quickly vanished and morphed into Freddie Mercury. Her jaws stretched out, adjusting to his impressive set of teeth and her full lips shrunk slightly. The feeling of black hairs covering her her upper lip made her twist her lips, trying to get rid of the itchy, foreign feeling of having a moustache. Her long, shoulder length hair shortened significantly to Freddie's signature look in the mid-eighties and at last she felt her vocal cords bubble and adjust to the voice her idol had once owned.

Where Salem Black once stood, was now standing none other than an exact replica of Freddie Mercury. 

She looked down at her hands, taking in the longer fingers she now had and turned them over in wonder. She curiously let her fingers glide over the hairs of the black moustache that adorned her face and a manly chuckle left her lips.

"Well, it actually worked." She said and Freddie's melodious voice filled the Great Hall. She climbed on top of the empty table that was meant for the teachers and grinned wickedly. She put a spell on the doors on either side of the teacher's table, locking them closed.

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