03 | concert

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It's been a week since Oneus debuted and today they are going to have their first free concert and for sure I'm going to be there to cheer for them!

"Y/n! Here are the tickets for the concert, I know it's free but you still have to show this before you get into the venue and make sure you get the front row!" Yonghoon passed me the ticket and ran inside the concert hall.

" Hi y/n! I see you are here to cheer for me right? " Keonhee joked.

"Yes of course but not only you, the whole of Oneus of course!" I said enthusiastically and waved the ticket in front of Keonhee.

"Ya ya ya I know, don't get too mesmerized with my visuals haha" Keonhee waved goodbye and rushed backstage to get ready for the performance.

I walked into the hall and was totally shocked by how many people were there. Oneus just debuted a week ago and they have this many fans? I could totally tell that they were going to be one of the most famous rookies this year!

A few hours passed and I was so happy I could die haha, the concert was so lit and awesome, their dance moves, vocals and rap was really good and their songs are super catchy. Before I could walk out of the hall, Dongmyeong called my name from the stage and I rushed to him. He brought me to the back stage to meet with Oneus and Onewe.

"OMG OMG OMG GUYS YOU GUYS WERE AWESOME TODAY!" I said excitedly and jumped like a total fan girl.

"THANKSSKKSS!!!" the whole of Oneus bowed to me.

"Yonghoon, I haven't seen your sister this happy before." Cya said as he looked at Yonghoon.

" I know right, she's never that happy when we perform." Yonghoon glared at me.

"Hehe sorry, just oneus is my everything ..." I looked at them and smiled happily.

"Fine y/n..." Yonghoon glared.

We all just talked the whole day and I think I have officially become a Oneus fan now, like wow just a week and I'm a fan.

Night comes and we all went to a restaurant to celebrate Oneus's first free concert.

"Cheers! To Oneus for their successful concert" Kanghyun shouted while holding his glass up high.

Okay we weren't drinking beer or anything, we're just drinking some apple and orange juice because we're still young.

"Can someone pass me the apple juice?" Dongju asked as he couldn't reach the jug of apple juice.

"yea sure thing" I reached out for the jar but before I could get to the jug my hand brushed slightly against Leedo's hand since he was sitting beside me and we didn't know we would reach for the jug at the same time. I quickly pulled my hand away and blushed a bit. The members realised what just happened and they all went "WOAHHH". I was truly embarrassed and couldn't even take a glance at Leedo.

On the other hand, Leedo just smiled and passed the jug to Dongju.

"why are you blushinggg~" Hwanwoong said in a teasing voice.

"It happens sometimes, now can we talk about something else Hwanwoong?" Leedo said with his manly voice as he wanted to change the topic.

"Okay okay I get it" Hwanwoong smirked and continued eating.

"Thanks" I said softly to Leedo. He gave me a smile and we continued eating.

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