04 | dream

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"Yonghoon! I had a dream about Leedo yesterday-" I screamed at Yonghoon and shaked him up from his sleep.

" What, why must I know- You like him or something?" Yonghoon shrugged and pushed me away.

"Well not like that, nevermind anyways I'm going to the football match with Saemi today so goodbye?!" I left him.

"Saemi let's go to the cafe nearby, the game is getting boring, no one's going to win." I said while pulling her hand but she wouldn't budge.

"Fine, I'm going alone." I walked away not to care if Saemi called me back, she was too immersed in the football game because her crush was there,,, ugh this is what happens when you're too obsessed over a guy.

It was only a 5 minute walk to the cafe, so I didn't mind . Once I reached the cafe I sat down by the window to enjoy the scenery while having earphones on to listen to soothing music. I was drinking my coffee when someone pulled my earphones out from my ear and to my suprise it was Leedo and he was holding a tray with some bread and coffee.

"Hey y/n, I-i came here to sit with you since you looked lonely and uh nevermind I shouldn't bother you, i'll just go- "

"No, no, no, don't go just sit beside me and thank you for accompanying me."

I blushed a little because he looked super cute today with a white shirt, brown coat and ripped jeans with his blonde fluffy hair.

"hehe" Leedo laughed a little and looked into my eyes.

OMG OMG OMG i could just die looking at his eyes.

"Um y/n? " Leedo waved his hands infront of my face.

I came to my senses and just reliased I was staring at him for almost 2 minutes without saying a thing.

"Oh yea, um yea ,uh" I stuttered.

"What brings you here? At this cafe? I thought you were going to be with your friend for the football match?" Leedo questioned.

"ooh yea about that, well I got bored and just came here to relax? And how did you know I went for a football match?" I continued drinking my coffee as I still felt flustered looking at Leedo and the thought of what happened yesterday came into my mind.

"Yonghoon told me and I happen to be here since I always hang out here."

"Oh wait a second y/n, you have something on your mouth, let me wipe it for you-"

" Uh nevermind, I can wipe it off myself-"

Before I could reach for the tissue, Leedo took it and wiped the coffee foam from my lips and I almost passed out again because his face was an inch or even a few centimetres from my face, my heart was pounding like crazy, his face was just so perfect, I think I'm in love. Oh gosh what is wrong with me.

"There all done!" Leedo smiled with satisfaction.

"You look pretty today" Leedo suddenly said with his head slightly bent down because he felt shy.

I blushed so hard, I think I look like a tomato by now.

"um, thank you so much and i'm not pretty, you look super good today aswell!" I laughed shyly.

It suddenly started to pour down heavily and I was really shocked. I didn't know what to do since I didn't bring an umbrella and I had to walk home.

"What should I do, I don't have an umbrella." I pouted and starred at the rain pouring heavily.

"It's okay I'll walk with you, we can use my jacket as an umbrella and your house isn't even far from here, isn't it?." Leedo comforted me and when the rain started to die down we went out and walked together back home.

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