14 | birthday

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[ A week ago ]

Weus gathered together at their practice room to discuss about y/n's birthday surprise party.

"It's y/n's birthday next week, you guys didn't forget. right? and it's the first time weus is going to celebrate with her since we don't have any planned schedules" Yonghoon said to the them and everyone was excited.

"We would never forget" Cya stated a point.

"Should we do a surprise party!?" Dongju was super excited as he started to blabber all his ideas for the party.

"That's a great idea!" Keonhee took out his phone and started to search for a fancy restaurant to reserve for y/n.

"First things first, did you guys buy presents for y/n yet?" Dongmyeong asked.

"Of course we did!" Harin said as he showed them what he bought for y/n.

"Why did you bring the present today? Uh nevermind...." Yonghoon looked at Harin weirdly.

"So how about the cake?" Leedo asked.

"well y/n usually likes chocolate or cookies and cream flavoured cake" Yonghoon said as he checked his phone for a cake recipe.

"Since it's the first birthday we are celebrating with her, we should make the cake!" Seoho said enthusiastically.

"THAT'S WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY" Yonghoon showed the cake recipe to weus.

"Yea we should!" Keonhee was jumping happily.

This is the first time weus is actually going to bake.... What will happen?

"About the surprise party, no one tell y/n okay? It's a surprise duh..."

"Wait, how are we going to do it?"

"I have a plan" Dongju asked them to come nearer so that he could whisper it to them.

Author's note:
This is such a short chapter..... WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY'LL DO? WOULD THE SURPRISE GO AS PLANNED? WILL THE CAKE TURN OUT RIGHT? omg i actually cannot imagine oneus and onewe making a cake, it'll be so chaotic but stay tuned to my next chapter !

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