10 | okay

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"Yonghoon, I hate those mean girls." I said to him and the feeling of wanting to punch a wall came to my mind.

"Y/n, I though you're brave and tough~ I haven't seen you cry like this before~" Yonghoon joked.

"Of course. I am but they were just too mean!"

"Fine, I'll just tell them to stop disturbing you, okay?" Yonghoon made an okay sign with his hand and hugged me.


I walked into the hallway calmly and hoped that I don't bump into those meanies.

Yup I said that too soon.

"hey y/n, I'm sorry I did that to you yesterday.." One of the girls apologized and the others just followed her and apologized too.

Wait this is weird? Suddenly they're apologizing?

"um- it's okay" I replied and they walked away with their heads facing to the ground.

"y/n" I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

I turned around and I was face to face with Leedo. Our faces inches apart, I could even feel Leedo's breath. OOP. HERE GOES MY FANGIRLING. I stared into his eyes and backed away really fast.

"shy?" Leedo smirked and pulled my hand to bring me closer to him.

"Now let's go" He was still holding my hand and lead me to the classroom.

Everyone in the hallway was literally looking at us and gasping "OMG" and they were super suprised and so was I.

"Leedo.." I pulled my hand away from his.

"I don't like attention" I whisper shouted and walked away from him leaving him behind.

Leedo just stood there looking at me disappointedly.

"I just wanted to help you" Leedo sighed and walked to his class.

As soon as I walked into the classroom, Saemi ran towards me and started yelling.

"Y/N, OMG YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" She was jumping happily and kept on slapping my arm.

"SAEMI, he's not my boyfriend-" I slapped her arm back.

"yea right, don't lieeee"

"He's not OMG, he's not even my type and i'm not interested in him"

" y/n..." Saemi rolled her eyes and continued looking through her phone.


Once I reached home, I speed walked to Yonghoon's room and opened his door without knocking.

"Thanks for telling those meanies to apologize to me"

"what?" Yonghoon said.

"I'm not going to repeat that-" I sticked my tongue out at him.

"but I didn't go to classes today?" Yonghoon looked at me with a what do you mean face.

"Wait, you didn't? " I was shooked by his statement.

"Then who did?"

"I don't know? Maybe they were just being nice?"

"That can't be it"

I walked away feeling weird. Was it Leedo? Hell nah he won't do that right? I shook that feeling off my mind and went straight to bed.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Ravn suggested and took the bottle from behind him.

He spinned the bottle and it landed at Seoho's direction.

"Oh no, why am I first?" Seoho exclaimed and he picked truth.

"too bad for you~"

"do you have a secret you haven't told us?" Ravn said wanting to know the answer.

"I do"

I opened my eyes. It was just a dream.

But what dream was that? Seoho had a secret?

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