21 | seoho

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I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up and it was Seoho.

"y/n, about tonight, is the plan still going on?"

"y-yea" I answered him half asleep.

"y/n? Are you okay? You sound sick?" Seoho changed into a worried tone.

"u-uh, I just woke up from my nap..." I said while rubbing my eyes and looked at the clock.


"UHHH OMG WAIT GOODBYE, THE PLAN IS GOING ON" I hung up on him and quickly started to get dressed.

I ran as fast as I could to the playground that we wanted to meet.

[ Seoho's POV ]


As soon as I put my phone down. Leedo walked into the practice room.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked him.

"I need some advice hyung" Leedo said a bit shy.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him feeling weird.

"I mean like there's this girl that I like and I want to tell her that I like her and uh I don't know how to, I'm scared she doesn't accept me or even worse we break our friendship and-" Leedo was cut by me.

"YOU LIKE SOMEONE???" I shouted and stood up.

"uh hyung, not so loud" He put his finger onto my lips.

"I'M surprised" I said with my eyes opened really wide.

"so, I need some advice from you...." Leedo said shyly.

"I'll talk to you later. I'm running late...I need to meet a friend" I quickly rushed out of the practice room.

[ Back to y/n's pov ]

I dashed to the playground and sat at my normal spot which was the swing. I looked at my phone and it was currently 7.50p.m.

"10 minutes early.." I heard someone's voice. I looked to the side and there was Seoho walking towards me.

"yes, I'm always on time!" I gestured him to sit on the swing beside me.

"so y/n, what did you want to talk about?"

"it's something kind of embarassing"

"advice again?"

"yea well, I still don't know if I like that certain someone"

"y/n, it's simple."

"Just imagine the person you like in your mind."

"Okay" I closed both of my eyes.

"Do you get nervous around him?"

"um yes" Leedo's figure just appeared and I felt like I was daydreaming.

"There ya go! You like him. I get nervous around my crush too" Seoho's cheeks got a bit pink.

"uuuuu~, tell me who is it.." I nudged his shoulder.

"no, I won't tell you who it is." He looked away.

"Why not.."


"Seoho, how about you? You won't tell me either " I shrugged.

"I have my reasons" Seoho pouted.

I pinched his cheek because he looked so cute pouting.

[ Seoho's pov ]

" What are you doing to me y/n? If you keep doing that to me, i'm not sure what my feelings are for you anymore." I thought in my head.

[ y/n's pov ]

"Stop pouting" I pinched his cheeks. He seemed to blush a little.

"cute" I said softly.

"I know I am" Seoho said and made some aegyo.

"ew" I made a disgusted face but he is still cute though.

"you're evil, at least my fans think I am" Seoho crossed his arms.

" fine you are cute, not haha" I stood up from the swing and sticked my tongue out at him.

"y/n!" Seoho started chasing me around the playground.

I had a fun time chit chatting with him and being chased by him was not an easy job, he runs super fast.

"y/n, what are you doing tomorrow" I saw the text that Leedo sent me.

"Nothing, why?" I replied.

"want to go hang out?" He replied.

"sure" I texted back.

"y/n what are you smiling at." Seoho snatched my phone.

"uuuu~ who is this?" Seoho said as he saw my text with Leedo. He obviously won't know who is that because his contact name was saved as a chicken emoji.

"not your business, SEOHO" I reached out for my phone and fell onto Seoho's body.

Our position now was me over Seoho. I looked into his eyes for a second and realized the situation we were in and quickly grabbed my phone from his hand.

"hah, I got it back" I stood up and held my phone high in the air.

Seoho got up to his sitting position and looked all flustered.

"sorry, I need to go now" Seoho said and left me behind.

"u-uh b-bye" I waved feeling disappointed as he just left me all alone.

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