12 | happy

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We played at the playground for about an hour and it exhausting. We ran to where Keonhee and Harin had set the delicious sandwiches that was all ready to get into our tummies.

"Here, y/n have one" Seoho handed me a sandwich.

"Thank you" I replied with a sweet smile.

I could see Leedo from the side of my eye and he still had that annoyed look.

"hey guys! We should play a game! " Keonhee shouted excitedly.

"No, later Keonhee-hyung. I want to enjoy my food." Dongju shoved a sandwich into Keonhee's mouth and we all chuckled at the sight we all witnessed.

Soon dark has fallen and it was time for us to sit around the campfire. We all gathered around and I sat in between Seoho and Leedo.

" Let's play TRUTH OR DARE " Ravn suggested while roasting his marshmallows in the campfire.

WAIT THIS SEEMS FAMILIAR. I thought in my head but shrugged the thought after a while.

Harin took a bottle beside him and laid it down in the middle of us. He spun the bottle and it landed at Seoho's direction.
Well my dream isn't that accurate so I guess maybe it's just a coincidence?

"TRUTH OR DARE" Hwanwoong blurted out.

" I always pick truth! So truth it is! "

"boringggg, pick a dare!" Kanghyun made a bored face.

"Nope, i'm not changing!" Seoho sticked his tongue out at Kanghyun.

Hwanwoong stood there and starred at those two fighting with each other and finally blurted out the question he wanted to ask.

"Seoho-hyung, do you have a secret you haven't told us?" He lifted one of his eyebrow and everyone was anticipated to hear Seoho's answer, even I am.


"Wait this is the same question Ravn asked in my dream..." I though to myself and felt super suspicious.

" I do, have a secret but i'm not telling. " Seoho blushed and looked down to his feet.

" Come one tell us! You have to answer the question. " Cya pestered Seoho.

"But i answered the question already.... If i had a secret and I said yes, so that counts" Seoho pouted.

"He's got a point there.." Ravn looked at Cya.


Seoho spun the bottle and it landed in Leedo's direction.

" Oof Geonhak, I don't really know what to ask you but pick, truth or dare"

" truth " Leedo said while scratching his head.

" I know we asked you many times when we played truth or dare together but i'm gonna ask again. DO YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR SOMEONE NOW...." Seoho's eyes became bigger.


"I'll spin the bottle now haha" I said because I was flustered too by just looking at his face even though he did not answer the question yet.


"y/n, it's not your turn yet..." Kanghyun said and looked at me suspiciously.

"isn't it obvious? he's flustered...."
I laughed awkwardly and spun the bottle. Suprisingly it landed in my own direction.

"Why does the bottle always land in that direction?" Cya looked at us weirdly.

Why must it be my turn now. I'm literally creeped out by how my dream actually became a tiny bit true, like what- and also i'm freaking flustered now.

" y/n TRUTH OR DARE " Leedo waited for me to answer.

" Dare " I said.

"Now this is fun!" Dongju got up from his seat and whispered into Leedo's ear.

What is Dongju saying to Leedo? I don't want an embarrassing dare like bro I can't handle all the attention.

"y/n this was suggested by Dongju..." He looked at me and had a "i'm sorry" kinda expression.

"Dongju asked me to ask you to dance in front of all of us." Leedo looked really sorry, well he knows that i don't like attention so....

"but y/n doesn't like attention" Yonghoon stood up and wanted to change the dare immediately.

"it's okay, I'll do it" I raised my fists in the air and Hwanwoong started to play a song on his phone that was connected to my bluetooth speaker.

Oneus's debut song started playing and I was super nervous because it was their song and I couldn't let them down. I stood there for a while, a little embarrassed. Leedo stood up and started dancing beside me.

"I asked you to do this, so I'll join you" He smiled.

I got a bit of courage and started dancing too, all the members as well as Onewe started cheering for me and Leedo.

"Y/N! I didn't know you could dance.... this well" Hwanwoong was shocked and joined us too.

The game turned into a dance battle between weus. I was really impressed by their moves!

We enjoyed the night with dancing and laughter.

"We should pick who are sharing tents!" We had to pick papers to determine our fate.

List of sharing tents:

1st tent : Y/n, Yonghoon and Leedo
2nd tent : Harin, Dongju and Keonhee
3rd tent : Hwanwoong, Cya and Kanghyun
4th tent : Seoho, Ravn and Dongmyeong

I headed to the playground and sat on the swing while enjoying the breeze when everyone was dozing off.

"y/n, what are you doing here alone?" Seoho sat on the swing beside me.

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